Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

My Diary 1970 March (ii)

March 17th (Tue)
G.B. likes Lee Marvin. Norma's Speech Day. All by myself! Aww. Frightening.
March 18th
Lee Marvin No. 1! 3rd week! J going on about sore thumb. 'It's broke' says she! Norma practiced her play with me. Billy Liar.
March 19th
House music competition. Miss Hatch lost her voice. Those awful girls nearly bashed us. Dad was annoying. Cried.
March 20th (Fri)
S & J came for tea. Took dog for a walk. Met Carol and friend Pat Taylor. When S and J had gone we had a talk about sex.
March 21st (Sat)
Fab day. Went up town with dad. Bought 12' trellis. Had it hanging out of boot on way home. Went to fab party at Tish's. Gigantic house. 3 storey.
March 22nd
Busy. Spring has come! Helped dad in garden. Played cards nearly all day with Norm. Sad about yesterday. United lost to Chelsea 2-1
March 23rd (mon)
Okay today. Got penfriend from France, called Lorette Lucas. Shirl visited. United drew with Leeds again! 0-0
March 24th
After school Carol came. We wrote a letter to Lorette. Saw her cat's kittens. "Place your litter here". Lady took us for a walk.
March 25 (Wed)
Broke up! (for Easter) All form had a detention for geog. Good! J came for dinner and I went there (to J's) for tea. I don't want Hulme to go comprehensive. Simon and Garfunkel no. 1.
March 26
United are out of FA Cup. Leeds beat us 1-0. Visited Susan Greenwood. Took Lady. Behaved strangely. Met lad (Norma's friend) called Martin. Nice character, not nice face.
March 27
Good Friday.Helped dad in garden. Ugh. Dig that sexy Mike Pratt who plays Randall. MMM. Cousin Audrey, Fred and Sandra came visiting.
March 28 (Sat)
Nice day. Tape recorder back. Great fun. Jean and Cath came and we played daft games on it. Dad parked wrong way in a one way street. Everyone helped. Snow.
March 29 (Sun)
Easter. Happy day. Did a lot of taping. Dad brought Easter eggs. Dad was a bit ill. Hope he's alright. Dead worried.
March 30
Rotten day. Dad been a bit touchy. Didn't do much. Started letter to JH. Mum cried 'cos of all sorts really. I'm sick. Lady's got a bad cold.
March 31st
Stayed at Shirley's.

I think Mike Pratt must have been in 'Randall and Hopkirk deceased'. We had an old reel to reel tape recorder. Remember them? The tapes were about 5" in diameter, and each in a separate box.
Dad worked for a wholsale confectioner, so sample and reject Easter eggs and other sweets often came our way.
I think I may have been completely unaware of family dynamics.

Thursday, 25 March 2010


I finished reading Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall a couple of weeks ago and it was so good I almost didn't recognise how good it was. She slipped me into Tudor England so easily, I took it for granted. At the same time I was listening to the audio book of Charles Dickens' Little Dorritt in the care (26 CDs!). Aren't I privileged to have access to such amazing books? Little Dorritt has such great characters. Wolf Hall got 10/10. Little Dorritt got 9.5/10. I have also read Anita Shrieve's Testimony - what a great way to construct a narrative - 8.5/10.
Now I'm reading The Street Philosopher by Matthew Plampin, recommended by a good friend, so am immersed in the Crimean War.
Desperately need a daft easy trashy novel to listen to in the car, while feeling overworked and stressed. Visit to library at weekend.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Moving house

Anyway - we haven't moved house yet!

My Diary 1971 March

No entries for March, apart from:
"Me and J joined Egerton St Youth Club during the time I didn't write my diary. Everyone warned us off. Said it would be rough.My dad said he didn't think I'd like it 'cos it was rough. Anyway we joined. Lonely at first but JP was there. She's alright by herself but with other people UGH!We met 3 girls called Denise, Karen and Lynn. All ok. Welllll.... Denise talks a lot, Karen is too quiet and Lynn is working. All people at youth club smoke. I don't like it much, only go to please J, but on April 27th found out she is only going to please me! Had a good laugh. Not going again.

My Diary 1970 March (i)

March 1st (Sun)
Went to baths with Cath. Nearly lost temper with her. Made some coconut ice, turned out a flop. HUMPH. I nearly got angry with Mum and Norma for calling Cath.
March 2nd (Mon)
We tried to find something to do for history thing. Not very successful. Dad brought new car. Fab "Cortina". Got new school schoes. My temper's been kept!
March 3rd (Tues)
Rehearsed history play and put it on for Miss Roker. Flop! Frightened of girls who are going to bash us up on Frederick St.
March 4th (Wed)
Lee Marvin No.1 GOODY!
March 5th
Went up town with J and S. Felt guilty at leaving CS to go down Fred St alone (them girls). Bought a card for Mother's Day.
March 6th (Fri)
Carol was alright yesterday. Made a bit of a card for Mum's Day. Those girls from Grange School frightened us again. Decided to report them to school.
March 7th (Sat)
Finished card for mum. Helped dad to clear floods (not bad) from his works. Had night to myself. Tried make-up.
March 8th (Sun)
Mum was pleased with card. Boring day really.
March 9th
Didn't report Grange girls (like the cowards we are). Decided to warn them. Didn't see them! Dad in bad temper. Him and his plants.
March 10th (Tues)
Saw G girls (only 2). But Miss Roker was behind (so we couldn't shout). Roker gets on my nerves! Put some awful stingy stuff on my wart. Ugh!
March 11th (wed)
Nice day! (believe it or not) Had hair trimmed. Got off P.E. because of period and headache. Lee Marvin No. 1
March 12th
3rd day of wart cure. Thoughht it would be an awful day but it turned out nice. Introduced to some boys 'Raz' and Andy. Raz looks okay. Bathed Lady 'cos of mud!
March 13th (Fri)
Reported G. girls 'cos of nasty threats. 2 girls expelled from Hulme (not 'cos they were pregnant either) 'cos of bad conduct. Boys! (!)
March 14th (Sat)
Visited Antony and Susan. He was having a party. Busy day. Helped wash car. Humph. United drew with Leeds 0-0 in FA semi-final. Chelsea through!
March 15th
Norma kept going on about dentists, dentists, dentists.
March 16th (Mon)
Girls nearly got us. What is God? Is he a person or just a feeling? Done a lot of thinking about religion.

I can't recall who Cath was. Miss Roker was the scariest teacher we had. She wouldn't hesitate to throw a board-duster at you. She was short and stocky, in tweeds and brogues. I went to grammar school. We lived in constant fear that girls from the local comprehensive schools would ambush us. My school was Hulme. I am now perplexed as to what bad conduct would have had to be committed to get expelled...