Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

My secret diary 1970 October (ii)

Oct 17 (Sat)
We lost against Broughton 5-1. I didn't play. Did more of chemistry set. Finished it. Watching an 'X' film on telly at the moment.
Oct 18
Never did finish that film. I'm sorry, behind with diary again. I'll have to do something about it.
Oct 19
It's my birthday soon. Hurrah. I'll be 14 yrs. Gosh! What shall I be when I grow up?
Oct 20
S and J are going to take me out on my birthday they say. Won't tell me where. Didn't start P.
Oct 21
Still haven't started. Found out we (mum, dad and me) are going down Birmingham on Sat to see Norma. Can't go out with J and S.
Oct 22
J and S are going to buy me a present instead. Keep whispering about it. I wish they wouldn't. Got a bit angry about it. Still no P.
Oct 23
Birthday tomorrow. Going to see Norma. J and S will give me present on Monday. Carol brought me some bubble bath. Happy.
Oct 24 My birthday!
Mum got me writing set, Norma got me necklace. I'm happy. Didn't like going and coming in car 'cos it was stuffy. Norma's friend K also went.
Oct 25 (Sun)
Dreary day after all that. Fixed up costume for Hulme House party tomorrow. Did homework etc.
Oct 26
Hulme House party. Quite good. Had to dress as ghosts! Mum's old sheet. Tried make-up, didn't work. S went home by herself.
Oct 27 (Tues)
Nothing exciting
Oct 28
Norma is coming home tomorrow. Upset 'cos Shirl forgot birthday (so did Auntie Emma!) S a bit ill at school. Tish's party on Sat.
Oct 29
Dad's birthday tomorrow. Haven't bought him anything. Norma home. Carol came. Tried to make soap with chemistry set!
Oct 30 (Fri)
Went up town with Norma. Bought dad keyholder and torch 10/11d. Norma bought him a lighter. Quite dear.
Oct 31 (Sat)
Tish's party today. Hallowe'en. Awful drive up to house*. Nice party.

Oct 30 - I've always been a bit careful with money, but I'm alarmed at my meticulous recording of how much things cost!
Oct 31 - I seem to recall that Tish lived in an enormous mansion, with a big garden, big driveway, and lots of rooms. One of the consequences of going to the school that I went to was that I was thrown into the company of some affluent families. I'm not sure that I envied them. They were just of another world, like the boarding school girls in Enid Blyton's Mallory Towers.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Just finished reading . . .

'A Darkness more than Night' by Michael Connelly

7 out of 10

I read this because it was recommended by big sister, who knows her detective / crime books. She reckons Connelly is the master of the art in this genre. (Following me recommending Dragon Tattoo to her)
It was a good book, with great characters, and an unexpected plot.
However, not sure I want to read books that are driven by plot and puzzle solving. I loved all the Agatha Christies, when I discovered them many years ago, but that was my first intro to detective / murder books, and there was the extra bonus of them being magnificent period pieces.
Did the book have anything in common with my last book, 'Nocturnes' by Kazuo Ishaguro? Yes! There is a key character who is a drifting single man, discontented.
I will read another Michael Connelly sometime, but, meanwhile, I am reading good old Anita Shreve again.

Friday, 8 October 2010

My secret diary 1970 October (i)

Oct 1 (Thur)
Cried last night. Cried this morning too when I left Norma for the last time 'till Christmas. Hell's Bell's, I'm soft. Nearly cried at school. She's gone, Norma's gone*.
Oct 2 (Fri)
Hurrah! I'm on the hockey team tomorrow against Chaddy Grammar! Thrills! Norma's gone away. I miss her a bit. Mum's worried about her.
Oct 3
Dead pleased with myself. We won 1-0 in hockey. I didn't score. Annoyed with myself.
Oct 4
Oct 5
Can't rememeber much. Decided to invite J and S to sleep at the weekend. Don't know how to arrange it.
Oct 6
The intelligences of J and S have figured out that we can put the 2 beds together and I can sleep in the middle - cheek!
Oct 7
Did sculpturing in art. Enjoyed myself. Quite fun.
Oct 8
S said her mum is ill so she may not be able to come at the weekend.
Oct 9 (Fri)
S 'phoned said she couldn't come. All (nearly) my aunts and uncles came. Auntie May, Emma, Annie, Uncle Fred, cousin Audrey and Fred. Norma phoned. I HATE Aunite Emma. Auntie May's nice.
Oct 10
Supposed to be going to Ashton with J. Her dad was late. Couldn't go. J came back home with me. Showed ourselves up. What fun!! She slept.
Oct 11
Went to baths early with J. She kept going on about a lad who I couldn't see because I had no specs on. J is okay.
Oct 12 (Mon)
On pins about this Saturday's hockey team. I don't think I'll be on the team. Not playing very well.
Oct 13
(BWD*) Can't remember a thing. Except that Hulme House* Party will be a 'Ghostly Get Together'
Oct 14
Same as yesterday I'm afraid. Sorry (BWD) Oh! I sleep in Norma's bedroom now. Mine's too small. (AT. It's not, it's just right!)
Oct 15
(BWD) One day this week "our pals" from Frederick St nearly did J in . We didn't go that way (me & C and S)
Oct 16
I'm on as reserve for hockey against Broughton*. Disappointed naturally, but it isn't so bad. Started clearing up chemistry set. Putting it in Norm's bedroom.

Oct 1 - She was going off to university (the first person in our whole extended family of thousands) in Birmingham, to study Nuclear Physics.
Oct 13 BWD = behind with diary
Oct 13 - my school had a house system. You belonged to one of 4 houses (Hulme, Assheton (?), Booth or Lees - named after local dead dignitaries). I seem to recall that the houses had a points competition. They accumulated or lost points according to the good or bad behaviour of their members. A cup was awarded at speech day to the winning house. I was a relatively good girl. I remember getting some conduct marks from Miss Roker for hanging out of a classroom window, shouting to someone below. You could also get conduct marks for not wearing your hat in public, having your skirt too short and anything that a teacher deemed was unseemly behaviour for a refined young lady.
Oct 14 - AT = afterthought, written in retrospect
Oct 16 - I don't recall having any talent for sports at all. Including me on the team at all must have been a sign of desperation or kindness.