Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Saturday, 31 December 2011

My secret diary 1972 December (iii) Party after party!

Dec 26 (Tue)
Boxing Day. Did hardly anything worthwhile today. Dad and mum nearly had a row (mum's still upset) over dad coming in late at dinnertime. The Beatles were on the telly (Help!) So were the Goons for Christmas. Got everything I wanted. Started revision more or less. Fel depressed. Ju's coming round tomorrow.

Dec 27th
Ju came for dinner, we played records (I did say that Rob had lent me his record-player, didn't I?). What did we do? Can't remember. Oh, we played cards with Norma and I read some of the books that Norma got me for Christmas (Gormenghast Trilogy). Been watching Verdi's opera of Macbeth on TV. Hopeless. Ugh.

Dec 28th
Did nothing except reading this morning. After dinner went up town with Ju. Saw Cn and made arrangements about party tomorrow night. She's coming. Bought nail polish remover. Been at Ju's house until 11.30 helping her to alter one of her mum's old dresses. Nice.

Dec 29th (Fri)
Dave's party. Pretty good. We were late - Ju wanted this dress doing. Rob's going to get too serious isn't he? Cn came too. On the way home I collapsed. Like I was fainting. Awful. I wasn't drunk.

Dec 30th
Gosh, it's nearly the end of the year again!! Mocks soon and then the real thing. Done nothing all day. Slept at Ju's last night. Went to Brin's party. He lives up my street. I'm very tired. I think it is that that caused the fainting.

Dec 31st
Goodbye 1972. It's not a very happy goodbye, but who expected it to be? Ireland and Vietnam* still go on, as do many other horrible things. Just been to a party at Steve's (Rob's friend). Rob came home with me to let in the New Year.

Dec 31st - I made an additional note afterwards "Vietnam - peace! 23.1.73"

Thursday, 29 December 2011

My secret diary 1972 December (ii) parties and presents

Dec 20 (Wed)
Hell's Bell's and barleycorn! Just before I came to bed Rob phoned and hinted that he is getting me a record for Xmas. Single or L.P.? He's offered to lend me his record player until October! What am I going to do?! Finished school today. I hate Miss Crabtree. Went Christmas shopping with Ju.

Dec 21
Done hardly anything today because I'm a lazy so and so. I finished making the stuffed turtle for Carol's Xmas present. What can I do about Rob? Ju phoned. I'm going to Ju's for dinner tomorrow. Dentist appt in Manchester and so going Xmas shopping too. But I'm flat broke!! What'll I do? MPFC*

Dec 22
Horrid day. Went to Julie's after a nagging session from my mum and me getting annoyed. Had dinner, went to Manchester with Ju, did some Christmas shopping. I went to dentist. He did nowt. We were dead depressed. Loads have people drunk in Manchester.

Dec 23 (Sat)
Seemed to be Christmas shopping and snogging all night and day. (Read those the other way round, I'm a little tipsy) Been to Ollie's Xmas party and it was really embarrassing 'cos me and Ju were the only girls there. There were 6 lads, all friends of Dave and Rob. My Xmas pressy for ju wasn't very exciting. Handbag mirror, mascara and a notebook. Als a Mars Bar and a bit of eyeshadow. Got Rob '1066 and all that'

Dec 24
While I am writing this I'm a little drunk. Honestly. It's 11.45 and I've just come back from Rob's party. He's given me pressies and they look expensive. Me and Ju were doing Hava Nakila on the front at Rob's and I had no shoes on! We've just been sat up in the dark, singing.

Dec 25 (Mon)
Xmas Day would have been perfect had we not had 20 dozen people round for dinner. (Not funny) It happens every time. Everybody drinks and organises and confuses and panics.  Apart from that quite nice. Maggie Wood came, and Allan and Audrey etc. Beautiful pressies!! Everything I wanted and now I'm going to bed. I'm tired.

Dec 21 MPFC = Monty Python's Flying Circus

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

My secret diary 1972 December (i) Astronauts, plumbers and boys

Dec 1 (Fri)
Hello. Pretty boring day. Everyone was pretty curious about what happened to me and Ju last night. Maths test. Mock exams are on 24th Jan. Oh Lord! I might be a lab technician when I grow up. Hung new things in bedroom. Oh James Taylor, I love you.

Dec 2
In affy went to town with Ju. Hoped tape recorder would be mended but it wasn't ready. Bought a maxi underskirt (own money, borrowed 14p off Ju). Oh what can we do about Rob and Dave? They're getting too serious. Rob kept phoning while I was out. Ju reckons he's pretty keen on me. Phoned him and told him I wasn't going out until next weekend.

Dec 3rd
Ju slept over last night. We talked a lot about what we can do - no solution to problem yet. Feel depressed and yet happy. I don't want him to be that keen on me.

Dec 4th (Mon)
Normal day. Ju expecting a ring from Dave tonight. Oh hell. What can we do? I've re-arranged my posters a bit. The fridge broke down. It'll cost £21 to be mended. Dovestones dance on 16th Dec. I keep getting a pain behind my left contact lens. It's annoying me.

Dec 5th
Ju is worried that Kev and Roy might try to 'bash' Dave up. She doesn't seem to be taking it very seriously. I think we might be going to flicks on Friday.

Dec 6th
Not much to say. Been doing yoga every night. It's quite fun. I'm dreading the mocks. Rob phoned. Asked me out tomorrow night but I said no, how about Friday instead (seeing Tinkers with Shirl on Sunday). Norma phoned too. What are we going to get dad for Christmas?

Dec 7th
Friday tomorrow! I'm so fed up with school, it's such a drag. I hate Miss Hatch and Mrs Hughes. They're the only teachers I hate really, although I'm not too keen on Mr Moore*. Me and Rob are going to the pics tomorrow. Definitely going to Dovestones. Robert Redford on TV!!

Dec 8th
Oooh, I'm freezing cold so I'll have to make this short. Chemistry test this morning - don't think I did too badly. Oh Miss Hatch I hate you, you're a nasty bitch. Went to flicks with Rob, Ju and Dave. Rob is getting too serious - what can I do? Stopped him kissing me. Saw Cat Ballou and the Burglar.

Dec 9th
Another weekend nearly gone. Me and dad went to town today to buy a new fridge (the old one was a waste of money). And we did. It'll be delivered. My nails keep breaking. Spent evening at Carol's listening to records and nattering. She's nice.

Dec 10th (Sun)
Brrrr! Freezing cold. Don't make me talk too long! Shirl's got flu so we can't go to Tinkers tonight. Norma phoned - no news in particular 'cept she's got mum some perfume and talc for Xmas, and plants for dad. The water's been turned off 'cos the fella next door has got a burst. Horrible.

Dec 11th
Oh god, it's horrible without water. You can't drink, wash or even go to the loo when you want. We've got to run across the road to ask for water. Got a good mark for last week's chem test. Got a beautiful pic of Robert Redford. I hate Miss Hatch. I didn't have Russian today. What to get everyone for Christmas?

Dec 12th
Apollo 17. Today 2 astronauts were singing on the moon. Isn't that lovely? It may be the last moon flight. Good grief! In a world where men can be sent to the moon you'd think that the blasted waterboard would be able to send a couple of plumbers round to enable us to have a proper hygienic water supply! I was in a flaming temper. Also annoyed about RN trying to keep Dovestones tickets for herself and skinheads.

Dec 13th
After school went to Julie's and had a bath and washed hair. Stupid water board still not come! We went to meet Dave and Rob who took us to see 'Hello Dolly' at their school. Quite good. Thought we'd missed the last bus home but it was ok. He is too serious.

Dec 14th (Thurs)
YAHOO!! The last Russian lesson of term today! Hahahaha. We sang in the lesson. Would you believe the water has been turned on again? A miracle. Ju was away today. Had a laugh at school when Carol climbed the ladder.

Dec 15th
Mum's gone down to Birmingham to stay in a hotel with Norma for a couple of days. I hope she'll enjoy it. I think she will. The 6th form were going to give us a pantomime today and Miss crabtree stuck her oar in and said we'd be missing valuable lessons. Stupid ol' cow. We got to see it. The teachers fought for us. A nice Christmassy day. I'm dreading Mocks and Dovestones.

Dec 16th (Sat)
Oh groan. Chrissie shopping. I bought Norma the 'Hair' LP and E some odds and bobs. Had to take Rebecca. Ugh. Then Dovestones. Wore long blue maxi. Had three drinks and I was drunk! Awful. Had a fling with a lad that W matched me up with. Mmmmm.

Dec 17th
Yesterday - lad was called Neil. I hope no-one tells on us to Rob. S's boyfriend was giving everyone Xmas kisses. I wonder if they'll split up? Went to Miss Hatch's to meet Russian students. Pretty good time. They were called Andrei and Sergei. University students. Nice looking. V interesting.

Dec 18th (Mon)
everyone talking about Dovestones. I know Neil's full name now. Ju away from school today. She was dead poorly yesterday. I hope she's gone to the doctors. Done hardly any work today at school. Had loovely Christmas lunch. Put Xmas tree up - it's gigantic. Borrowed carol's American Pie LP (by Don McLean)

Dec 19th
Ju still away. Oh Diary! I'm sorry, but it's getting a drag to write you. I'll keep it up. half day at school. In affy went to visit Ju. Put loads of pressies under our tree. I listened to 'Hair' It's okay but not the original.

Dec 7th - Mr Moore taught physics. He didn't much care for girls. On one memorable occasion he declared that he couldn't see why girls were taught physics at all.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Mantel & Dickens - Just finished reading one and abandoned another

An Experiment in Love by Hilary Mantel


Given that she wrote 'Wolf Hall', a near perfect book, in my view, Hilary Mantel deserves to have serious attention and respect given to her other novels. I enjoyed 'Beyond Black' and it lingers in my mind.
I'm not sure about this book. I'm not sure that I understood the point of the narrative.
I enjoyed it that the main character seemed to have had a childhood very much like my own. I even think the early part of the book might have been set in my home-town. But I couldn't identify with her as she went off to university  - oooh - but as I write it I'm changing my mind - yes I can. Just like Carmel, I shared a room in first year in the halls of residence with a someone with a posher background than myself.
Mantel weaves a weirdness into her books that can makes it difficult to align with my own experienced 'normal' life. And as I write that, I realise that my 'normal' might be weird to others.

I've just abandoned reading (audio-book, in the car) 'Martin Chuzzlewit' by Charles Dickens. I was really enjoying it, and wanted to know how the story progresses, but I have been stressed with house moves and hard work and Christmas preparations, and so it was too difficult to concentrate on it. I needed something lighter and one that didn't fill 26 CDs. I am therefore listening to 'The Little Stranger' by Sarah Waters. I read this 2 years ago. It is nice to listen to a familiar tale, told by an actor.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

My secret diary 1972 November (iii) Boys, a date at the Cat's Whiskers, a reluctant girlfriend

Nov 23 (Thurs)
Usual kind of day. David Hewitt phoned Julie last night, said that they would met us at bus stop - who?! Is it a blind date? Dead nervous. Loads of people off school with flu. Got B and B- for some Russian homework - chuffed. Sleeping at Ju's tomorrow night.

Nov 24th
Got Carol some fruit jelly things for her birthday. Took loads of clothes and things to school to take to Julie's to wear at the dance. We were dead nervous. Took us ages to get ready - we were late. We met Dave and his pal Rob and they took us there. It was good. Nothing to drink. Played Albatross and Moonshadow. Rob's shy. His father died.

Nov 25th (Sat)
Slept at Ju's last night. Poor Rob, I feel sorry for him. He's not handsome and I'm not sure about his character because he was shy. They;re coming to see the Tinkers with us on Sunday. Went to town with mum. She bought a new coat and shoes. Done a lot of homework. Boring, lazy day. COLD.

Nov 26th
Oh stupid day. What did you have to come for? Did homework and odds and bobs. We'd arranged to meet Dave and Rob tonight to see Tinkers, but they weren't on so we went to the pictures. I must be crazy. I was jealous when Dave put his arm round Julie. Rob is shy. He walked me home - dead embarrassed - we didn't say much. Not sure I like him.

Nov 27th
Don't want Rob to phone me up. Mrs Brown's away - I think there's something wrong with the baby - she's pregnant. The plot thickens. Kevin and Roy have invited us to a party-type thing - sounds weird (skinhead probably). Know what I feel like? writing a fantasy book, like Lord of the Rings or Alice in Wonderland.

Nov 28
Nothing further about the plot. Ooh - been invited to the Cat's Whiskers on Thursday (over 18s) by Rob. Ju's going too, I hope. Boring old day. I've got to write a book, but what about? Mrs Brown is still away. Got eyes set on spar lad.

Nov 29
E away yesterday and today. Me and Ju worried all day about going to the Whiskers . Oh flipping heck!! I don't really fancy Rob a dead lot - he's planing my future for me - honestly! He phoned me up telling me he's got me a ticket for a show and there are some parties on at Xmas. Great!! and what's he go planned for 1974? Huff. I'm annoyed.

Nov 30th (Thurs)
Ohh - nervous all day cos of going to Cat's Whiskas tonight. It wasn't too bad. But not sure about Rob. Not my type. There was a lad there though that was! Dead sophisticated! Jackie shut up. Rob paid for me to get in. Plot thickens. Dawn saw me and Ju at dance last Friday and thinks we're 2 timing Roy and Kev.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

My secret diary 1972 November (ii) - being scared of the Russian teacher and lusting after Macbeth

Nov 10 (Fri)
Hurray for Fridays!! Had to be at school for 10am. No Chem, geog normal, Russian horrible as usual. Music pretty grotty. Me, Ju, C and R have arranged to meet near the Oldham Hotel on Sunday for the Tinkers. Auntie Emma came, so did Norma.

Nov 11
Seemed to be a completely useless day, in which I achieved nowt. Went into town, to library, looked for new handbag, saw some I liked, but none in black, so I'm going back on Monday. Took Auntie Emma home, Rebecca came too. It was dead dark over the moors - frightening. Done no work hardly.

Nov 12
Another nothing day. Weather's gone absolutely freezing and it's been pouring down for the last few days. Done homework. Read a bit of 'Ice Station Zebra' by Alistair McLean. Went to Tinkers with Ju and RH. Pretty good.

Nov 13 (Mon)
Hello silly ol' diary - I don't know why the hell I'm feeling so happy and carefree - I've got lots of homework piling up on me and me mum's got a bad earache. I hope she'll go t'doctor's tomorrer. I think she's a wee bit frightened. Bought me new handbag - black leather. Nice. Been pouring with rain. Floods all over England.

Nov 14
Gave E her birthday pressie - she was really chuffed I think. Gosh it seems like years ago! Went to dentist - he didn't do owt. A man (ho ho) gave me a lift back - his daughter sees Mr Aron. V interesting. Russian was awful as usual. Hate Tuesdays. Like Mondays best. Saw a mouse in the kitchen - eek! Homework!!

Nov 15
Oh rats - horrid day. Russian was nasty. She asked me a question, it made me look a fool. In maths I got 14/20 in  test. In biology we had a test. Physics - I don't like anyway - yuek! Didn;t have much homework so learnt some Russian vocabulary.

Nov 16
Very cold Brrrr. There are times when one doesn't feel like writing one's diary - especially in winter. Supposed to be seeing Macbath on Saturday, but Miss Turner fell off a train and broke her wrist, so don't know if she's coming. Russ - not too bad, but Ju was upset though. I hate SP and KB more than anyone else!

Nov 17 (Fri)
Oh, I'm frozed. Macbeth and Hockey and E and J for dinner tomorrow - it's all happening - a bit annoyed because E told Ju something - didn't confide in me. She might be breaking up with Dave. Mum's ear is still bad - pretty bad. She's been to doctor's. Got some capsules. Russ okay*.

Nov 18
Ho ho. Hockey in morning. I didn't play. Against Chaddy Grammar - we lost 2-0. I made 2 gallons of soup for everyone. E and Ju came for dinner - mum still poorly. Oh, I wish she's get batter, poor mum. Macbeth in affy in Leeds*. V good play. Macbeth was gorgeous!! Some stupid little 10 year olds sat behind us giggling and talking. Ohhhh - Macbeth, dead masterful.

Nov 19 (Sun)
Sunday gone too quickly. Slept in late. SG came to see me -pleased. Going to town with her tomorrow (Queen's Silver Wedding). Went to see Tinkers. Larry wasn't there. Other singers were on. Q good.

Nov 20
Queen's wedding anniversary (25th). Been nothing else on telly. Funny - she's the patron of the RSPCA but she was wearing mink today. How horrible. Went into town with SG today. Pretty boring, mainly 'cos I didn't buy much. Only a ball of purple wool. I've got my eyes on the Spar lad. Done loads of homework.

Nov 21
It's wrong you know. It's all bloody wrong! Why am I sat here crying? Only because of the pressures of a world that I've had no say in. What right has Miss Hatch to frighten me and give us so much work? Oh why? What part am I playing in this stupid world?

Nov 22 (Wed)
Funny how life looks different now. Don't really know why I was crying last night. Horrid Russ. Going to a dance on Friday. Dead nervous - won't know anyone there except Ju and David Hewitt. Hope I don't feel odd man out.

Nov 17 - As I transcribe my diary I have come to realise how terrorised I was by our Russian teacher. It's actually quite appalling that she was allowed to scare us so much. No-one should have that much power over schoolchildren. Would it happen now?
Nov 18 - the ticket stub is still in my diary. It cost £1.00

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Orhan Pamuk - Just finished reading . . .

The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk


I'm so glad I persevered through the 728 pages of this book. It was hard going at times, spending a long time saying very little, but really saying a lot by the end.
Once, I was involved in a relationship which was a mistake. I stayed in it for much longer than was healthy for me, and it is one of the few regrets of my life that I wasted some years hoping it would get better. The Museum of Innocence is about something similar but more, more, more. Oh - I don't want to give anything away and spoil it for anyone, but I DO want to say that I thing she was a waste of time, and I can't see what he saw in her. Yet, towards the end of the book it transpires that some of his friends and relatives thought she was okay, and even the book's author did. But I could see no evidence in the whole book that she was a nice person, or that she had any real depth of feeling. I think she was a chancer, and he wasted his life on her.
This is a book that made me think about obsession, self-centredness and people not being able to control a single-minded passion. Or can people take that control, but they don't, preferring to wallow?

I learned some things about the Turkish way of life and Turkish culture. The book portrays Turkey in the 1970s and 1980s as being on the interface of Western and Eastern manners and trends.

Would I recommend it? Yes - to those who have the perseverance to keep going. Would I read more of his? Yes - but I'd like a shorter one, I think.

In complete contrast, I'm listening to Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens) in the car. Another lengthy tome .....

Saturday, 12 November 2011

My secret diary 1972 November (i) - nearly a house fire, counting cars and views on thin-faced men.

Nov 1st (Wed)
Gosh hasn't this week gone quick? Well, the week hasn't gone yet, but it nearly has. Did a lot of sewing today, been fixing hem on maxi, collar on mum's* coat, Sandra's dress, won;t be long before I've finished it. Julie came round. Did nothing exciting. Looked at old photos. Found one of Roy. Listened to Goons (again) and Johnny Cash.
Nov 2nd
Now how's that for a coincidence?* The telly man came today, but he didn't have his good-looking son with him (if it's the same telly man). After dinner I went to Julie's. Really we wee hoping to see Kev and Roy but they weren't there. Went into town. Nowt exciting. Saw Monty Python's Flying Circus on the television. Very good.
Nov 3rd
Oh gosh - nearly set fire to the house this morning. Mum went up town and some paper (today's newspaper) caught fire an scorched the rug. Managed to hide it and buy a new newspaper though. In afternoon Julie came and we did our (my) traffic census for geography and it was raining - ha - good fun really. Went to a bonfire in night - I hate fireworks.
Nov 4th (Sat)
Strange day - I hardly seem to have done anything productive (if you seen what I mean). Spent the morning entertaining Rebecca. In afternoon went to town, did some shopping - library (got George Orwell's 'Keep the Aspidistra Flying') Done a tiny bit of homework tonight. At the moment I feel like crying. Dad's been giving me one of his talks.
Nov 5th
Didn't get up till 11.30 awww! Been reading George Orwell - very good, a bit 'naughty'. Ju came for dinner, did some more of the traffic census, checked homework (Awww, what an evil life I lead). After went to see Mrs Hewitt. She cleans at Ju's house. She's lovely, but J thinks her grandson is too. I don't think he's nice looking, okay character. There's a dance at his school.
Nov 6th (Mon)
Oh groan - back at school. Nothing exciting happened really. It's speech day on Thursday, so get affy off. R brought me a lovely birthday present - some long red beads, gorgeous. Awww she shouldn't have though. I spent ages on chemistry homework tonight. I was getting dead upset about it - finished George Orwell.
Nov 7th
Nothing much really - one thing though. Remember David Smith from the moors murders? He's just been charged with the manslaughter of his father. He got 2 days in prison! Makes you think. The American Presidential elections tonight - tell result tomorrow. Speech day soon. In a bad mood. I got C for that stupid Russian prose!!
Nov 8th (Wed)
Hey aren't I doing well with my diary? Russ was terrible today. Miss Hatch read something in Russian and we had to write it in English. It was horrid. Biology as boring as ever. Ju told me that S is going to take Friday off to visit her beloved in Oldham (he works there). I've decided that thin-faced fellas are gorgeous. Had Speech day practice in affy.
Nov 9th
Pretty boring morning at school. Weren't in school in afternoon so me and Ju went into town to buy E's birthday present. We bought bath salts, copper bangle, pendant, motif and liqueur! Speech night. God - what a laugh! So boring and snobbish. Floppy hats and fuss.

Nov 1st - mum died in 1979. It's strange to think that that happened only 7 years after these diary entries.  Still now, all these years later, and as I typed that sentence, my heart yearns. I want to be able to pick up that collar and push my nose into it to smell her. Transcribing this diary creates a strange interaction between my 55 year old self and my 16 year old self.
Nov 2nd - next to this is an arrow pointing up the page to my entry for Nov 2nd 1970, in which the telly man came to mend the telly.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

My secret diary 1972 October (iii) being followed, anti-christs and a tiny headache

Oct 25 (Wed)
Not much to say really - boringly ordinary day - not half looking forward to Norma coming home. Miss Hatch was supposed to listen to me read today, after school, but she forgot. She doesn't like me and she shows it, which annoys me. Where can we go this weekend to celebrate my birthday?

Oct 26
 Normal day. E is beginning to get on my nerves. She seems to think that she owns us. We break up for half term tomorrow and Norma comes home. She phoned tonight. Both mum and dad are out and I'm worrying myself silly over them. I wish they'd hurry back. Mum's just come in I think.

Oct 27 (Fri)
At last broke up for half term - I hate Russ - she kept asking me questions. This afternoon me and Ju went to town to do some shopping. She bought some ear-rings, I bought some face make-up. This feller kept following us but we lost him (haha) It was frightening. Norma came. Her pressie is a beautiful maxi skirt and top. Gorgeous turquoise cotton with flowers on. Been reading about the prophet Nostradamus. He's fantastic. He prophesied three great 'anti-christs' - Napoleon, Hitler and who knows in the future. 1999, 7th month, 3rd antichrist rules. Death, destruction etc - interesting.

Oct 28
Did nothing hardly this morning. Me, Ju, E and Norma went into town in the afternoon. Got dad a green tie for his birthday, also got him mum's present - tie-pin. Norma got me a beautiful butterfly brooch to go with my maxi skirt and top - lovely. Julie slept over. There was a prowler that shone a torch in window!

Oct 29 
Norma and Ju took Beccy swimming but I couldn't go. I watched from the side. It's her first time at the baths and she liked it (thank goodness). Went to the Oldham Hotel with Julie, E and C to see the Oldham Tinkers* - it was great. I love the Tinkers. Lovely atmosphere. Had a shandy and 2 ciders. Was singing on the way back - saw Shirl.

Oct 30 (Mon)
Had a tiny headache today but not too bad. Slept at Ju's last night and so did E. I wish RH could have cme too. She wanted to but her mum wasn't keen. Worried about seeing John, Kev, Roy etc again (what do they think of me?) I think they've got something up their sleeves. Boring at home. Nowt to do. Did some drawing. Watched the telly.

Oct 31
Done nothing exciting today. I've done some physics notes, some of Sandra's dress and a tiny bit of homework. After dinner (after 4 o'clock) I went to visit the Greenwoods who are moving house (don't know where to). Everyone's fine. Nothing else to say. What exciting thing can I do with these holidays?

Oct 29 - and here started my life-long love of local Lancashire folk music! The Oldham Hotel was a pub in the town centre. It was where my mum met my dad just after the War. She was attracted to him because he was handsome, she said, but also because he had a watch and an overcoat, so she thought he had money!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Orhan Pamuk and Doris Lessing - Currently reading . . .

The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk

A very long book. Whereas Isabelle Allende can cram the activities and events of several genrations into a novel, Pamuk is lingering over detail and small (yet big) things. I have been unsure, but have persevered with this book. THEN - this morning I have come to Chapter 69! Now I know this is a great novel. (Not that he needs my approval, being a Nobel prize winner.)
More when I've finished it.

I've been listening to Doris Lessing's 'Alfred and Emily' in the car, but I had to abandon it because the second half was so unlike the first. The foreword to this book made me well up with tears, when she explains that she going to tell the story of how her parents' lives might have been different if some key events hadn't happened.
Imagine inventing new lives for your parents.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

My secret diary 1972 October (ii) a new coat, a happy time and crossing the Iron Curtain

Oct 13 Fri
Friday 13th! Forgot about it most of the day. Still don't know properly about Dovestones.* Julie wasn't at school today, but I phoned her up and she's okay now.We're going into town tomorrow to look for a coat for me. We're going to E's for tea and then to Dovestones. Norma's home, and there are arguments with mum.

Oct 14th
Well the great Dovestones is here!! It took us ages to get there, but it was worth it. I guess I felt 'single' most of the night but J, W, T etc were too! Got drunk and felt dead ashamed. A lad with a flowery shirt kept kissing me and then he went and I spent some nice time with MW's brother Chris - he's nice, V. nice.In taxi home, 5 of us, me and Ju, E's Dave, Robin W and Pete W. Good fun. Got a new maxi tapestry coat. (Nice. Remember singing glasses.)

Oct 15th
Slept at Ju's last night. had a stupid hangover today. Stomach felt all seasick. Chris wasn't half nice!! Lovely things on telly like Pride and Prejudice, The Man from UNCLE and one of the films that really influenced Ian Brady - The Third Man. The music is terrific. There was a film about Van Gogh - so sad. I've been crying my eyes out.

Oct 16th Mon
Everybody was talking about Dovestones at school. Seems that Chris has quite a reputation! I know that C 'went with' him on the way home - Huh!! The other las was Craig something. Chris is 18 - I don;t half fancy him. What can I do?? At the moment I feel rotten - I'm so tired. I've got to get some time off school again today!!

Oct 17th
JM is trying her hardest to make me jealous. She said Chris phoned her last night. I hate her - I think she's made it up - it wouldn't be the first time. Had to leave school early to see Mr Aron - so annoyed because he didn't even change the brace, just said 'Hmm, very nice, come again in 4 weeks'. Don;t feel so tired now. Been doing bags of homework. Sigh, sigh.

Oct 18th
School, school. Borin' ol' school. Had a speech day practice - speech day on Nov 9th. We've got tickets to go to a reception party for some students from Leningrad next Tuesday, in Manchester*. Looking forward to it, but I'll have to polish my Russian a lot. Wrote short letter to Norma with my measurements for skirt, and one to Susan G.

Oct 19th Thurs
Nothing exciting happening as usual. Had a test in English - they're getting pretty frequent nowadays. Biology was as boring as ever. No - the subject is interesting*, it's Mrs Hughes that's boring. Genetics is interesting. Mrs Stanton was away. Russ wasn't too bad. Miss Hatch can be nasty sometimes, though. I've made a list of what I want for my birthday from Julie.

Oct 20th
Hurray for Friday - long live Friday! Had another highly exciting day, as usual, at school. Chem ok, Geog normal - did I tell you that Mrs Brown is preggie? Well, she must be about 5 months now. She's leaving at half term anyway. Russ okay (well, as normal, I suppose). English - got new poetry books - nice. Maths ok. Music - I don;t like Mr Butterworth after all.

Oct 21st Sat
Nice contented day. Went to library to get book on Nostradamus, but wasn't there. Was creative yesterday and did 2 pictures 'Peace' and 'The air is everywhere'. Proud of them. Ju, Carol and Ann called today, after hockey, but I was in town. Beccy's sister, Cathy, gets on my nerves, she's a typical little skinhead. Anyway, going now. I'm cold.

Oct 22nd
Got up pretty early this morning to go to Auntie Emma's, to pick Auntie May up. I love my Auntie May. I suppose Emma's okay too sometimes. Auntie May gave me some perfume and an atomiser for my birthday. Auntie Emma gave me 50p. I like birthdays. Also Auntie May took my coat (maxi) in at the waist to make it fit more. Done hardly anything.

Oct 23rd Mon
Ho ho, my birthday tomorrow - happy all day, singing etc. Dead friendly with everyone at school. I think Ju might have been sulking a bit 'cos E seemed to talk to me a lot - I should have pulled Ju into the conversation. Where can we go at half term??

Oct 24th
Oh what a lovely day!! Ju got me Jasmine perfume oil, loopy earrings (1) (lovely) and odds and ends - also a beautiful card with James Taylor on the front*. Inside "You've gotta friend" E got me a purse and talc. C got me some nail varnish. Carol got me some matchmakers and a ring. Oh! I love everyone! Went to Russian reception. Had Lancashire Hotpot and beer (Miss Hatch there too) Had to talk to a Russian feller, who couldn't speak a word of English - felt sorry for him. Actually it was very interesting.

Oct 13th - There used to be Saturday night dances at Dovestones Reservoir Sailing Club, frequented by some girls from my school. These were really my first adventures in going to dances, drinking alcohol and snogging. These events were always embarked on with anxiety.
Oct 14 - I have ticked a receipt into my diary. 14 Oct 72 C&A £9.95 (that was my beautiful tapestry design maxi coat.
Oct 18th - these were the days before the Iron Curtain went up, so meeting real Russian people was quite an event
Oct 19th - I went on to study biology at university
Oct 24th - this is a very special card, making its appearance in 1972. It has made its way between Julie and I at different points in time, and for different reasons, in the last 39 years. We still share it. Thanks Ju.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

My secret diary 1972 October (i) Misery upon misery - a 15 year old's blues

Oct 1 (Sun)
Oh Hell!! Another weekend gone by. I hate the way that time goes so quickly. We took Norma to Brum this morning. She’s got a new room. It’s bigger. We helped her to decorate it (me and Ju). Posters and things. I wish I was staying away from home. It’s not that I don’t love mum and dad, ‘cos I do. I just want independence!! No-one understands. Oh Why?

Oct 2
What highly exciting things happened today? None. Went to see Miss Crabtree*, to get permission to go to dentist’s tomorrow. I’ve got to have a blasted brace. Found out that the man who was in the bed next to dad in hospital died on Aug 24th – oh god, poor fellow (See April 29th 1972) Work, work, work. Feel like crying. I want a holiday.

Oct 3
Went to Mr Aron’s in Manchester. Got a HORRIBLE brace from him. Actually it’s not dead noticeable, but it makes me talk funnily. I can’t pronounce ‘s’ properly. I wear it all the time as well as a thing which I wear just at nights – oh I hate it. I feel like crying – got to see him in a fortnight. School ok. Same boring things. Dreading tomorrow.

Oct 4 (Wed)
Huh! Jacklebeen’s in a bad mood again! Well this stupid bloody brace doesn’t do much to help. I hate it. I hate a lot of things. The newspaper made me cry today. Dog had elastic bands round its nose found wandering about. MP called Asians ‘sub-standard’ – what right has he to talk about other human beings like this?! My god, I hate him.

Oct 5
Oh what’s life worth living for? I’m just so sick and tired of this stupid brace, Miss Hatch, schoolwork and everything. Why can’t I just jump off this stupid earth? Heard ‘The Last Goon Show of all’ tonight. Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe. Q. funny. Done hardly any homework at all. Should have done more.

Oct 6
Friday again. Weekend!!! I don’t look forward to weekend any more ‘cos Monday follows so quickly. Hockey tomorrow. Sick of brace. Only done maths homework. Miss Turner has arranged a trip to Leeds in November to see Macbeth. Looking forward to it really. Done nothing exciting. Learning to speak properly with brace though – one good thing. Ha. I hate Miss Hatch.

Oct 7 (Sat)
Went to school this morning to watch our hockey team being slaughtered by Bury 3 – 0. Huh! Spent nearly all morning cutting oranges, washing pots etc, never mind. Did some chemical ‘magic’ for Rebecca, quite good fun. Did most of my homework. Got letter from Lorette* yesterday – awful! She’s told me about how her house got burnt down – poor thing!!

Oct 8
Put on my nice black and white skirt and jumper. Went with dad to collect Julie at 10.30am. Went to Auntie Emma’s for dinner. Don’t like her (I think). My dad really likes my black skirt. Took Lady with us (she kept jumping n the furniture). Did most of homework. I wrote a letter to Lorette and Julie wrote one to Marie-Therese when we got back. I hope we can still go over to see them next year. Hohum.

Oct 9th (Mon)
Guess whose got a rotten stinking sniffy cold AGAIN!? Me. I hate school and hmwk. Dad made me drink some whisky for my cold – ugh! Saw a documentary on Russian school system – seems very disciplined and orderly. Been invited to a bonfire by John, Kevin etc (see Aug 16th) Oh No!! Posted letter to Lorette and Shirley. Had a water-main burst at school – interesting!

Oct 10th
My my. Isn’t ol’ Jackie being philosophical in her old age? Don’t be sarcastic Taylor! No, honestly, I feel suddenly as though I’ve got security – a home where I belong, where I’m loved. Sounds corny, but it’s true. School ok. Working v hard and sick and tired of work, work, work. I work constantly now. Monty Python’s Flying Circus back on Thursday. Also film on Vincent van Gogh, + Mama Cass.

Oct 11
Ok day. I managed to make myself feel on top of the world! Surprising what a shower while listening to the radio can do. I wish I could get out and meet more people though!! I want to get a ticket for Dovestones on Saturday (dance) but I don’t think I’ll manage. Done all hmwk. We’ve had to move out of desks and into lockers at school – awful.

Oct 12
Not really a bad day – could have been better – I could have been sunbathing on a beach on an island in the S Pacific. But I wasn’t.  Don’t think me and Ju’ll manage to get tickets to Dovestones – shucks. I hate Russian and Miss Hatch (letter especially). I spent hours on hmwk tonight. I’ve got so damned depressed. Julie was poorly today again.

Oct 2 – Miss Crabtree was our headmistress.  She wasn’t particularly formidable, but she had a big, wood panelled office, with a big desk, and there was a bench outside the office that you had to sit on while you waited to see her.
Oct 7 – my French pen-friend, who lived in Amiens. I never met her. I wonder what she is doing now? I’m not sure I can remember her surname.

Monday, 26 September 2011

My secret diary 1972 September (iii) - no boredom - just lots of homework!

Sept 22 (Fri)
Nothing really. I've invited CL and RH, CR and SO to our house tomorrow night (**) Never mind. Mum and dad will be out. There's just nothing to do in Oldham on Saturday nights. Oh I've got nothing to write about - oh, a girl whose just got grade '1' in O level Russian has been reassuring us!!
Sept 23
Spent the morning having a shower and washing hair and baking a cake. After dinner collected Ju from town and we went down to Middleton where I went to the shop - Vernon's & bought a black skirt with white lines, to go with the jumper Norma got me. C, R and C all came round and we had a good time drinking, talking and laughing.
Sept 24
Julie slept the night. We walked it halfway to their house (buses don't run till 2pm) then her uncle gave us a lift. We helped to organise a party for Ju's cousin J. It wasn't bad, I nearly learnt to jive!! We 'retired' at 6pm to do homework and it took us ages.
Sept 25
Oh - school again. I was blazing today because we did some physics homework - I got all the answers right - Got B! Must admit that diagrams weren't really complete according to him. Oh well. Then in Russ homework I got a mistake - B+. E was nearly crying 'cos Miss Hatch gave her low marks. I feel rotten. Depressed and poorly - I'm sure it's flu!
Sept 26 (Tue)
I'm honestly too tired to write much. The bloody teachers make me sick. Each gives us much too much homework - what do they expect us to do!? Miss Turner, Miss Hatch - they're all the same. I'm dead annoyed. I was thinking the only reason I don't chuck up school and hitch-hike round Europe is my dad and family. What's wrong with me??
Sept 27
Feel better today. Ok day at school. Once again nothing exciting. On my birthday we've decided to go out and get drunk or something - loads of us. Norma goes home to Brum on Sunday (did I say home?!) Homework a lot better tonight. Not so much. Had time to do a bit of my own Russian. Must do more revision.
Sept 28
This week seems to have gone by quickly! Got news, a few days ago, that JP has left school for good now. Feel as though I'm 'with' my work - not behind, not forward. Set up a revision system. Saw 'Cinema' tonight. It was about pop and rock films, including Woodstock concert for Bangladesh and A Hard Day's Night. Lovely. Bill Haley and the Comets, Elvis. I wish I lived in those days.
Sept 29
Hooray - Friday! Actually, this week seems to have gone quickly. Miss Rogerson (chem teacher) says that time will fly from now to the O levels. My god, I'm dreading them. I still hate Russian. I don;t understand what we'e going on about all the time. Verbs of motion, perfect, imperfect - Oh god, I'm tired. weather - normal. not cold, not warm. No letter from Lorette.
Sept 30 (Sat)
Today flew past as quick as anything. Morning, did nothing except homework, shower and hair. After dinner went to town with dad, Becky and friend. Norma came home (she's been to visit Catherine in Durham) Julie came and we helped Norma to pack  everything for tomorrow. I don't want her to go again. I think I must be overprotective.

Sept 22 - (**) I wrote some Russian letters in brackets. I suspect that these are English words written phonetically with Russian letters, but my Russian is so rusty now, I can't work out what the big secret was!

Friday, 23 September 2011

My secret diary 1972 September (ii) - Bobby Charlton's testimonial match, working hard and changing my bed-time.

Sept 14th (Thur)
Dead tired at school - no wonder, didn't get to sleep till 1.30am this morning. Quite a normal day though. S and I are getting on quite well. Not a dead lot of homework. Norma (silly thing) gave me a jumper. Don't know why. It's white, long sleeved with black trimmings. Nice. Very. Achieved what today? Learnt quite a bit, but nowt else.
Sept 15
Finished 'Beyond Belief' - v good book about Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. Same as usual at school, but we seem to be working so hard. Never resting, what can I do? At home Norma and mum had a row. I burst out crying - couldn't help it. What with tension at school too. God, mock exams are so near!!
Sept 16 (Sat)
At last a lovely day of rest, in which I've accomplished absolutely nothing except a letter to Lorette who hasn't written since before July. Huff. Got up late, played with Rebecca for a while. After dinner went to library, but when I saw the queue I changed my mind and went to visit Julie at the shop. Nothing exciting happened at all
Sept 17 (Sun)
Stayed in bed quite late - it's nice to be able to! (Have a rest, I mean) Done bags of homework today - going to Manchester United tomorrow for Bobby Charlton's testimonial - I'm looking forward to it a lot. Boring day really. I've got nothing to write about. Watched telly a lot. Drawn Charlie Brown and Snoopy for E. I want one too, though.
Sept 18 (Mon)
School okay. Was Bobby Charlton's testimonial match against Glasgow Celtic. Oh it was lovely. Carol's dad took us down in the car. All the Celtic supporters!! There were thousands - really! They were dead friendly (sometimes too friendly!) Gate = 60,535!! Terrific. Score = draw 0-0. Bobby did a loop of honour. Some gorgeous Scots!!
Sept 19
Boringly ordinary day at school, 'cept of course I'm really tired out, so is Julie. Everybody seemed dead friendly today, even D. Me and Ju were talking to AH - she's nice sometimes. Played hockey in games. Been doing homework since I came home to when I came to bed ('cept for tea). Feel like crying.
Sept 20th (Tue)
Nothing exciting. Not as much homework as last night, but still enough to keep me occupied most of the night. Decided to get myself used to going to bed at 10.30pm instead of 9.30. Norma and dad agree. Sleeves of school jumper are wearing through. Feel pretty relaxed which is unusual for me! Posted letter to Lorette. It's ages since she wrote back.
Sept 21
OK day, as usual nothing spectacular or out of the ordinary. In fact life just seems to be a solid mass of work and boredom and headaches. Finding that I have more time at nights if I go to bed later (obviously) Feel like crying - all bunged up inside, but no tears come. Doing war poems by Wilfred Owen for 'O' levels - good.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Colm Toibin - Just finished reading . . .

Brooklyn by Colm Toibin (2009)

10 out of 10

Oh dear. When I gave 'Room' by Emma Donaghue 10 out of 10, I said I couldn't fault it. Well, that was before I read 'Brooklyn'. Now I have read a book with superb subtlety, and so I know what subtlety in fiction can be. And maybe this book really is perfect.

This is such a simple story, not very long, about a young woman who migrates from Ireland to America. In it we learn about events, attitudes and changing world of the 1950s. More importantly, for me, I watched Eilis and was relieved that someone could capture how imprecise, and sometimes illogical, the process of decision-making and acting on decisions can be. We can allow the world to carry us along towards the future, trying to play no part in taking responsibility for events. But then what?

Read this, and enjoy it.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Emma Donoghue - Just finished reading . . .

Room by Emma Donoghue

10 out of 10

I can't fault this book. I read it over 4 days, I couldn't put it down, and it occupied my thoughts when I wasn't reading it. It occupied my thoughts because it is remarkable for what it doesn't tell you about Ma's life, and my imagination kept leaping, unwillingly, to fill in the gaps.
I'm not going to say anything about the story, because I don't want to spoil it for potential readers. I have to say, though, that the author kept me in suspense right to the end. I couldn't predict how the book would develop and end. I was rooting for you all the way, Jack and Ma!
It was good to be inside Jack's head - how did the author do this? It was a very convincing perspective. It beat 'The Slap' hands down as a novel, because of its simplicity and wondrousness.

That's all. Read it if you haven't done.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

My secret diary 1972 September (i)

Sept 1 (Fri)
Slept at Ju's last night. Woke up with a rotten hangover. Lads were ok last night, mostly from Hulme. One lad we were talking to called Pete Knox was q nice. Just sat his 'O' levels. Dinner at Julie's. Beautiful weather. Saw Roy Dunkerley!! (Again) Came to our house. Did nothing (as usual). Going to Ju's with Evelyn tomorrow.
Sept 2
Got my odd money - relief, relief! Met Evelyn in town at 11.30. Then we went to Ju's. Evelyn's ok, but she does go on about Dave so much. Love? Who knows? We were so bored though. In the end we all went into town and were going to look for Julie's new shoes but Evelyn went home. We got shoes. Ju is sleeping at our house tonight.
Sept 3
Norma said that she's got a job for us at the shop she works in (A boutique down Middleton). It's an awful shop, but we could do with the money (me especially, it's Norma's birthday on Sept 13th) Helped dad wash car, made cakes. Got United ticket off Carol (for Bobby Charlton's Testimonial) Start work tomorrow.
Sept 4 (Mon)
People in the shop today were Norma, me, Ju and Brenda, the manageress. Brenda's awful and she sits around all day doing nothing herself but giving orders to us. Not that we do anything useful. It's so boring. After work we went swimming. All the clothes at Vernon's fall to bits if they're touched, honestly. And Brenda's got no idea how to run a shop*
Sept 5 (Tues)
Shop again. It's not dead bad but I'd hate to work here for a long time. There's no sense of achievement to gain by making price tags or anything. Met Norma's friend Stella today. She's nice. Brenda in too. She's not nice. Stella's getting married to an Arab. She's half Jewish - complicated. Looking forward to tomorrow.*
Sept 6
Norma, Stella, me and Ju in today - not Brenda, luckily. It's been great today, really terrific. We've actually been doing real work. We weren't ordered to, we chose to. Sorted loads of jumpers and blouses. Yesterday we sold 4 things and got £9. This time we got £20-odd without Brenda's help. All this time Ju's been sleeping at ours, but school tomorrow.
Sept 7 (Thur)
I've decided I'm doing very well with my diary. Started school. Yeuck! Form - UVN. Mr Higgins is our form master. Great. Got new timetable 'n' everything. Dead boring and frightening. I was trembling before Russian. I didn't understand a thing in maths. Just started reading 'Beyond Belief' about the Moors Murders. Norma brought mine and Ju's wages. Only £3.50 each.
Sept 8
Feel as though I've been at school for 6 weeks already!!! A normal day but everything seems to be so far ahead of me, I'll have to study a lot before the 'O' levels. New music teacher called Mr Butterworth. Seems nice. Guess what part I've got in Macbeth!!? I'm one of the rotten witches! (Remember Hansel and Gretel at junior school?) Huh. Got Norma's present.
Sept 9 (Sat)
Worked at the shop again. The shop made over £100 today (mainly things I sold, I'm sure). I do nearly all the boring work. Norma saw me and Ju in Middleton yesterday, but I didn't tell her I'd got the bag! Got her some Sandalwood perfume oil - gorgeous. Also I'm looking for a Charlie Brown book. Got her wrapping paper for walls. Julie slept the night.
Sept 10
I hate Sundays. I've cried 3 times today (once at a film). It's just that dad, Norma and me were all arguing. She's 21 this week! Can't he see? It all upset me. Done homework. No revision. Mocks* soon.
Sept 11 (Mon)
School again. Yeuck. Getting on quite well with S. Arranged for people to get me pressies for Norma. e.g S - joss-sticks, K - a snoopy book. Read some more of 'Beyond Belief' Went to the dentist's and had 2 teeth out for Mr Aron. Mr Cooper's dead nice and funny. My teeth are aching like mad!! Homework
Sept 12
Wrapped Norma's pressy up. Norma had a nasty nose-bleed before we went to bed. We're all going out tomorrow to celebrate her birthday. Family, Julie, Kate and parents, Stella, Lynn (Norm's friend), Auntie Emma and Auntie May. Had bags of homework to do. Did nearly all - thrills. K got book. S couldn't get joss sticks. Spent £3.31*
Sept 13
I gave Norma her present and she was really chuffed with it. She's had a lovely day. I don't think it could have been better. She kept giggling. 13 of us went to have dinner - very posh. Norma's got a new maxi-dress - Victorian - gorgeous. She looked really great. It was a nice night. Slept at Julie's (my bed occupied)

Sept 4 - oh I'm so embarrassed that I wrote this! What teenage arrogance and naïvety is this!? First day at work in my life, and I think I know more than the boss!
Sept 5 - I added a note at a later date to this day's entry. 'on 5.9.72, the horrible kidnapping of the Jews, by the Arabs, took place at Munich, eventually ending in about 11 Jews being killed. WHY?'
Sept 10 - I have edited this. I find I can't always expose my family dynamics to an audience, even though both my parents are dead. The 'mocks' refers to mock 'O' level exams.
Sept 12 - ever the little accountant, I had used a space above the entry to tot up what I had spent
£2.25 bag
.25 map
.30 scent
.20 book
.10 sweets
.03 shama? (can't read)
.06 soap (?)
.12 paper
total £3.31
I also added a note above this entry 'I love my sister. She's great!'

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Just finished reading . . .

The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas (2008)

9 out of 10

When this book was long-listed for the Booker Prize in 2010 it was said to be controversial, being about a child being slapped. On the front cover we are asked to consider whose side we are on i.e. those who think an out-of-control naughty child should have boundaries imposed by a slap, or those who think that this is outright abusive violence.
I think this is a very clever book. Each chapter is written about one of the key characters of the story. The key character who is notably left out is Hugo, the naughty brat who isn't learning how to behave appropriately in society. I am currently reading 'Room' by Emma Donaghue, which is written completely from the viewpoint of a 5 year old - I'm glad I have read the two next to each other, because it forces me to think about por Hugo with more kindness. My partner, Paul, read 'The Slap' before me, and after I had completed the first chapter, in which the slap occurs, he asked me whether I thought it was right that he was slapped and I said 'oh yes - naughty, out of control, needs boundaries'. Paul smirked, (no, he laughed) because he knew how the author was going to play with my thinking throughout the book.
I come from a generation which was slapped and hit for naughtiness. I still remember Miss Heap's stinging slap on my leg, when she caught me talking in P.E. I'm not sure that I needed that kind of physical violence-type control, but I'm also not sure that others didn't. I still don't know whose side I'm on, but I do think that if Hugo had been shot at the beginning, then some critical incidents wouldn't have upset some nice people.
I like this book because Tsiolkas does a good job, a really good job, of exploring some issues that I find interesting and current for society (Do women who aren't mothers have a right to a view on parenting? Are friends the new family? What place do drugs have in recreation and in the casual, everyday regulation of mood? How is equality and mutual respect managed in male-female relationships?). In the past I would have gone to female authors like Fay Weldon for this kind of commentary. Also he explores relationships between friends, between spouses, generations etc, well. And finally, he offers us an exploration of what hits many people at different life-stages (identity crises, sexuality, fidelity, separation, parenting, illness, death). WOW! So it is a big book for these reasons.
I deducted marks because I'm not sure if the author was just trying to shock us with all the sex 'n' drugs.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

My secret diary 1972 August (iii) Bored, bored, new shoes and a party

Aug 22 (Tue)
What an absolutely exciting, action-packed sensational day!! (I must say) Didn't see Julie, didn't see anyone 'cept family. Please, please let it change before the end of the hols. I want a boyfriend! Wonder what's happened with Ju and them lads? God, I've done nothing today. Norma arrived home safely last night about 10 o'clock. Her friend Stella slept.

Aug 23
Got on quite well with Becky this morning. Made her a melon-seed necklace!! Found out that her sister Cathy (remember her) doesn't like Don McLean.Ah well, we can't all have good taste I suppose. Saw Ju this afternoon. I bought some new school shoes. They're gorgeous. I'm hoping I'm allowed to wear them for school though. God, we were so bored again in town!!!
NB new shoes are black, slightly patent, one bar across, wooden heels. V. nice.

Aug 24
Did hardly anything 'cept tidy up for mum in morning. In afternoon went to Ju's wearing new shoes. We made tea for Kathy, Richard, Catherine and Alison Burns. Then we all went to the pictures to see Alice in Wonderland - which is pretty nice. Slept at Julie's. Only one trouble - I've promised Norma I'll see it with her.

Aug 25 (Fri)
Went to our house after breakfast then went selling flags for mentally handicapped children. It was fun really. Some people were nice but it upset me when stupid women went past ignoring me or pretending they haven't heard. It really does upset me. Some lads were nice though. Made £4.67. Went with Norma to Alice in Wonderland. Bit boring second time round. Some lads tried to pick us up.

Aug 26
Oh no, Rebecca here again!! Decided that I'll have to start saving hard for Norma's birthday present. Mum's paid me for odd jobs - I tidied all the kitchen out. Also I cleaned dad's car so he's giving me extra for that. Horrible stomach ache. Got postcard off Evelyn. Sandra, Audrey, Fred and Baby visited us. Sandra's had hair cut. Nice Horrid old man in park.
NB XX Olympics Munich started today. The munich Stadium is terrific*.

Aug 27
Oh what's wrong with me? All the time at the slightest thing I feel like crying. 3 times today I've cried (twice at TV). Suppose 'cos I'm on my period. God, I'm crying again now! I hate Tampax. We were supposed to take Sandra to baths tomorrow but I can't go.

Aug 28
Norma took Sandra swimming but I didn't mind. Sandra's brave in the water now. After dinner went to town with Ju, then on to Ju's Auntie Anne's. Katrina's first birthday. (Aww) Me and Ju organised food etc. Didn't get home until 11.30. Frightened about burglars at Ju's dad's works.

Aug 29 (Tue)
Would you believe I got up at 7.30 this morning? Well I did, to go to the dentist's in Manchester for 9.15am. I went by myself (I'm a big girl now). I didn't get lost or anything like that. Mr Aron says I've got to have some more teeth out. I've got to make an appointment with Cooper on Friday. I'm sick! Finished chair for Sandra nearly. Also did quite a lot of dress. I've finished one side. Got wrapping paper.

Aug 30 (Wed)
Oh! When life gets this boring I honestly wonder why I bother staying alive! Saw Ju this afternoon in town. Dead bored. Both of us were. I bought some wrapping paper for bedroom wall (exciting). I love my bedroom. It is me. Everything I like.Magic Roundabout, Norma, Chemistry, Robert Redford, Peanuts, Beatles, Bob Dylan, memories, all part of me.

Aug 31
Went to Ju's for dinner. Good Grief!! We got the shock of our lives! Evelyn phoned and asked us if we wanted to go to a party. Yes - US - the girls who lead such incredibly boring lives! Well, we were terrified of going but we went. Evelyn's fella, David. There were 6 girls and 7 lads, all fairly okay - you know. It was a bit boring really, cos no-one spoke. I got a tiny bit drunk.

*Aug 26 - I wrote a longer note on a separate piece of paper tucked into my diary. These were the Olympics that ended up with the kidnapping and killing of 10 people. It seems unthinkable. It was unthinkable. It is.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

My secret diary 1972 August (ii)

Aug 10th (Thur)
Got up early. Vacuumed, crocheted. Brushed dog etc. Phoned Ju. After dinner went into town with Julie. We were both bored stiff. Got back home and phoned CL. Arranged to go swimming and go to Cats Whiskers on Sunday. Looking forward to it. Strange thing happened. Walked Ju to bus-stop. Coming back a lad stopped to stroke Lady. I feel a bit guilty 'cos it appeared that I pulled her away from him - I didn't. He was quite nice.
Aug 11th
Did nothing hardly in the morning except for reading old 'Jackie's and vacuuming. After dinner me, Ju, C and R went swimming at Royton. Pretty good, nothing exceptional (except for that last word!). R has got a gorgeous tan - I'm dead jealous. It's great to have seen them again though! Still no word from Oxfam. Arranged to all go and sleep at Julie's on Sunday!!!
Aug 12th
Boring day. Done nothing except went to Asda with mum and dad in the morning - hated it. Had bath, helped dad wash car - isn't it all exciting? I'm looking forward to going to Ju's and the Cats Whiskers tomorrow, but I'm also feeling a wee bit scared. Lady was poorly yesterday - diahrea (can't spell it) but she's better today.
Aug 13th Sun
Went to Ju's about 6.30pm (before, had a visit, exciting (!) from Auntie May and family). C and R arrived at about 7pm. They've decided not to sleep though. I'm sick - I wanted them to! It would have been fun. We went to the Cats Whiskers. It's okay, not bad. Nothing to rave about though. Didn't see any nice looking lads or anything. OK Day.
Aug 14th (Mon)
Spent most of day doing 2 main things. 1) trying to pack Ju's mum off to Blackpool (man reason why I'm sleeping at Ju's) and 2) being bored! Eventually we decided to be creative and started making a picture of a gigantic fist with stars and things coming off it, in tin foil. BWD* so can't remember
Aug 15th (Tues)
Finished our creation - looks pretty good now! Bored most of the day. Ju's mum just won't go to Blackpool, she's fussing and faffing too much! Ju does a lot of housework. I helped her today. Sat outside trying to write a letter to JD. That lad John R kept messing about.
Aug 16th
Ju's mum at last went to Blackpool. Ju and me were in alone tonight and Kathy's friends, Andrew and Callum ran off to tell John R and friends!! So of course, John and his friends (Kevin G and, guess who - Roy D!) got in. They started eating biscuits and drinking and being rowdy. We tried to get rid of them. John tried to get off with me! Put hand on my knee! However we finally got rid of them when Ju's dad arrived home - boy did they run!! Remember Roy D? Used to go to my junior school.
Aug 17th (Thur)
Wish lads hadn't come in last night. Kevin G was quite nice. Quite. Fairly good looking. Funny laugh. Him and Roy came again before dinner and pestered us. It was then we decided we didn't want them. All three came at night but we didn't let them in. AT FIRST! John went, then we let Roy and Kev in. Just for Top of the Pops. Then they went and John came back.
Aug 18th
We told the lads yesterday that we would go watch them play football. Don't want neighbours seeing us with them, though. Roy and Kev came in morning. Got rid of them. John came after dinner, then later other two did. They were nasty to John. After difficulty got rid of them. Said we'd watch them play football. We did!! Got dead annoyed with Kev and Roy when they wouldn't go home after though. Don't worry, nothing happened. They're a bit immature, trying to impress us and each other. Came home from Ju's. Ju's mum came home too.
Aug 19 (Sat)
Nothing much. Had shower. Got sick and tired of Becky* this morning then lost temper (quietly) because mum made dinner late and I wanted to go into town before 4 o'clock. Norma keeps asking me to do odd jobs for her and it gets on my nerves. Went into town. Collected Julie and she's now staying at our house. Looked at school photos of Roy D. Norma is going to London.
Aug 20th
Ju slept last night. Today went to Auntie Emma's. Me and Ju were bored stiff!! We ate masses though. When we went back we popped in at Julie's. I tried to convince Ju's mum that we DID NOT encourage those lads. Well, not much. No, honestly. Me and Ju and her mum all had some lager and chocolate. Had a bad dream and woke up crying.
Aug 21st (Mon)
Oh God! Rebecca came again this morning. I'm getting to the stage where I can't stand the sight of her!! Ju went home at dinner and we met again after dinner in town, while Ju got her sister a birthday pressy. Found out from Julie that all her neighbours were "keeping an eye" on us while J's mum was away. They've given a BAD report to her. I'm flaming mad!!!

Aug 14th BWD = behind with diary
Aug 19th - mum used to child-mind Becky

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Just finished reading . . .

Portrait in Sepia by Isabel Allende


I have taken to turning over the corners of the pages of books, when I want to go back and read an impressive or particularly meaningful sentence. Because Allende is such an eloquent, intelligent, insightful storyteller, there are lots of corners folded back in this book. I like to read second-hand books, and I so wish that the previous readers had marked their favourite passages too. That would be like receiving messages from the past. That romantic notion is obviously a result of having just read this book!
Isabel Allende is such a gifted writer and thinker. I put off reading her books because they look challenging, with their unbroken pages of text, but she pulls you through the story with ease; no hard work involved at all.
This is Aurora's story, and that of her family, stretching across from Chile to America, with nods to European and Chinese culture along the way. She is a perfect writer. No thread is left unaccounted for. Each personality is big and wondrous, so that you feel like you know them. She makes us understand people, relationships, history and politics, and how they all shape each other.
If you have never read Isabel Allende before, this book is a good place to start.
I have turned over a corner on the very last page where she says "In the end the only thing we have in abundance is the memory we have woven. Each of us chooses the tone for telling his or her own story."

Friday, 12 August 2011

Katie flynn - Just finished reading . . .

A Kiss and a Promise by Katie Flynn (audio book in the car)


Poverty and an impoverished childhood in Liverpool in the old days (can't recall what year). Then young Ginny is reunited with her long lost Irish father, with the help of stern but really kindly schoolteacher, Miss Mabel Derbyshire. They all live happily ever after on farm in Kerry, with the sun shining and the cows moo-ing and the hens laying eggs. But this can only happen after Ginny is kidnapped by some bad travelling tinkers and then escapes.

Just the kind of book I like to listen to in the car! (but it was never going to earn high marks)

Friday, 5 August 2011

My secret diary 1972 August (i) - the art of being bored

Aug 1 (Tues)
Before dinner went to see Susan Greenwood - boring - didn't know what to talk about. Her Auntie Mary was there. She said 'Are you courting?' Makes you sick!! After dinner went to E's with Ju. It was dead posh. Felt uncomfy. Her mum didn't speak to us or anything. Poor E.
Aug 2
Hell's Bells, forgot about Lorette's birthday. Never mind. Done nothing spectacular today. Made some ice-cream - coffee and chocolate - lovely. Ju came and we went to town to buy a record for her. Nice disc called 'Popcorn'. Instrumental. Decided to call at Oxfam shop tomorrow to ask if help is needed. We might join Oxfam group. Good.
Aug 3 (Thurs)
Got up abut 9.30 - had shower, washed hair, then tidied bedroom a bit. Taped Eine Kleine Nacht Music - no good though. Finished Lord of the Rings - made me cry, lovely ending. Went with Ju to Oxfam shop. Got to go back tomorrow to see the 'boss'. Dying to work there. Seems fairly busy. Julie came back. Had nice talk. I like my bedroom. MY bedroom.
Aug 4
Oh another boring old day - nothing v. spectacular. Went to 'Asda' this morning with mum. Hated nearly every minute of it - so crowded, everybody with trollies. Still no letter from Lorette - annoyed. After dinner went with Ju to Oxfam shop. She only took our names and addresses. Feel as though we haven't got anywhere. Crocheted.
Aug 5 (Sat)
Oh, I'm so bored with everything! Done nothing hardly in morning. In afternoon went to Ju's shop then to their house.Did nothing. Didn't know whether to get Shirley a birthday present or not. Can't really afford it, though. Ju's mum and dad went out. Expected some lads (JR & co) to come round. Didn't.
Aug 6 (Sun)
Boring day. Helped Ju (stayed night) to mow lawn and re-establish an old falling to bits table. Tiring work. We didn't get up till late so it was about 4 o'clock when we finished. Came home and taped some records. Wish life was more exciting - I've got to go out to life, not expect it to come in to me though.
Aug 7
What did I do today? Oh, I know. This morning I was energetic and vacuumed for mum. Also done a lot of Sandra's dress. Norma made dinner - lovely flan with bacon, egg, cheese and onions. After dinner I drew some pictures of Winnie the Pooh for E and generally tidies bedroom out. Considered re-arranging furniture in room ie turning bed round* - what else!!!?
Aug 8
Done quite a lot today - but nothing very exciting happened. Done a lot of tidying up, crocheting etc. Moved bed round. Makes bedroom look a lot different. If I like it I'll have to change all my posters and pics round (groan). Never mind. Not seen Julie today. Saw terrific film with Bob Hope called 'Cat and Canary' dead frightening.
Aug 9
Same as yesterday really - done a lot of nothing outstanding. Trying to fill all my days a bit more now though. Done nails and underarms. Had shower. Hair. Did posters on wall (swapped them over). Dad was in a funny mood. Mum might be looking after Rebecca during the day - God help us, I can't stand that child.

Aug 7 and 8 - of all my diary entries so far this has made me laugh the most. My bedroom was TINY. It only had a bed in it, and a kind of built-in cupboard that was about 12" deep and 3 feet wide. So pondering whether to re-arrange my furniture would have meant, probably, turning the bed round (putting the head where the foot was ) and, possibly, moving it 3 feet across to the other wall. I must have been bored if this was how I occupied myself!

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Emma Wood - Just finished reading . . .

Where did the years go? by Emma Wood (2004)


This is a book that you won't be able to buy because it was written and privately published by my cousin Emma as a memoir of her life. Cousin Emma is not to be confused with Auntie Emma, who features in my secret teenage diaries. Emma was also the name of my maternal grandma, just to confuse things.
My cousin Emma is 30 years older than me. Her mother, Sarah, was my mother's sister. Sarah was second oldest in a family of 9, and my mum, Hannah, was second youngest. All of that generation are dead now, and we cousins aren't so good at keeping in touch with other. I was delighted when Emma sent me this book. It is a very readable and entertaining chronicle of cousin Emma's ancestry and her life. Some of the reasons it is good:
We share common history - Emma knows well the house that I was raised in (which was also the house my mother and her siblings were raised in) and she went to the same primary school. I know some things now that I didn't know before; I know what my grandma and granddad died of, and I know that one of my mother's siblings died shortly after birth, when a drunken midwife, trying to cut the skin under the tongue (to rectify the baby being tongue-tied) cut the tongue instead.
2) I learned a lot about what it was for Emma to be a farmer's wife, first in the bleak conditions on a hill-farm near Oldham, and later farming cattle in Lincolnshire. Emma tells an impressive tale of being pregnant, having three young boys with measles, and falling down the cellar steps, resulting in having to have her leg in plaster for most of her pregnancy. Amidst all this they kept the farm going, and kept up 2 milk delivery rounds.
3) Emma and her husband, Donald, tried their hands at various things, including running a highly successful mushroom farm for 20 years, in Lincolnshire. They also travelled a lot, seeing significant chunks of the world together. She describes her encounters with new places and people with such Lancashire stoicism and open-mindedness that I am glad that she is my kin.
4) Her stoicism continues after Donald died. She continues to travel and, more impressively, to learn new skills - the book was typed n her computer, and she is now learning to play the piano. Yay! a model for me!

And - I love the title - yes, indeed, where do all the years go?

Thanks Cousin Emma

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Just finished reading . . .

Stars and Bars by William Boyd (1984)


I've never read William Boyd before but my partner is a fan. This was a good yarn, which kept me turning the pages. It's an interesting tale about someone who wants to 'fit in' and be accepted into American society, but he doesn't get it right until a series of weird and unlikely events happen to him.
It's a comedy - the second one I've read recently, since Ian McEwan tried his hand at comedy with Solar. I'm not a great comedy lover - especially when the stories about adult men who are victims of unfortunate circumstances that turn their lives into a farce. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this one, and it had me galloping to the end to find out what happens - and it did make me laugh. I can't believe that this book is 8 years older than the Fay Weldon that I just read. It has less of an aged feel.

I think I am a little hard to please with books at the moment. It might be because I am reading what comes up next on my reading pile, rather than rooting down the pile to find a book that I fancy, that meets my mood. Also, I am making myself read authors that aren't my first choice.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Fay Weldon - Just finished reading . . .

Life Force by Fay Weldon (1992)


Fay Weldon has been a key feminist influence on me throughout my adulthood. She seemed to be saying just what I needed to hear, as I went through my 30s, especially. So I thought it was time I revisited her, and I had this on my pile, bought, I expect, from a charity shop, but I can't remember when or where.
I'm afraid that I found it a very slow book, which I had to force myself to plough through (but how can I tell whether that is the book or my mood / ability to concentrate?).
Life Force is about married couples, and a wild-card called Leslie Beck, who takes the women to bed, one after the other, impacting on their lives in various ways. Didn't really say much relevant to me, but maybe that's because it is nearly 20 years old.
BUT - I'll tell you what is interesting . . . Fay Weldon has a gift for hitting the nail on the head with an observant phrase or two. How is this - taken from page 25 . . .
'...it is not proper to say, 'Oh, women are like this' and 'men are like that', because the more we emphasise gender differences the more they are used against women, and to men's benefit . . .'

Monday, 1 August 2011

Whippets Away!

The Rossendale Whippets
are a group of women who try to hold back age and ailments by running together. It is hard to say whether we get the biggest therapeutic effect from running, or from the social support which results from long periods trotting side-by-side. We have been running and entering races together since about 2005. The membership of the group is variable, but with a hard core at its centre. We don't break any speed records. We don't all come from Rossendale. We laugh a lot, and we have been through a lot of ups and downs (some of which were to do with running).
On 30th-31st July 2011 we had our second Whippets Away trip, when we went to stay in York to run in the Jane Tomlinson Run-for-All 10k. (Our first Whippets Away trip was to London a couple of years ago, when we couldn't find the beginning of the race). This blog tells of our successful Yorkshire appearance.

Introducing the 7 girls
The York race team was made up of 3 original Whippets, who have been round the block a few times, and have the medals to show for it. Sprinting Whippet likes a quick sprint rather than a 10k & 2 of us (Plodder 1 and Plodder 2)are plodders who usually get there in the end. We had a fast, younger person (Fast-Whippet) with us this year, who is an inspiration to us all, and has a fancy watch-thing that tells her what her average speed and performance are. Another of our group, Teacher-Whippet, a 10k virgin, also boasts a fancy watch-thing, but we are always puzzled about what it is telling us. We had 2 other 10k virgins with us - both of them Walking-Whippets. Walking Whippet 1 walks as fast as I run, which is very disturbing. Walking Whippet 2 prefers a country ramble, it transpires.

Training Regime
We didn't really have one, although we tried to run twice round our reservoir, instead of once. We have an inner confidence that we will perform, on the day.

Pre-race prep
The day before the run we arrived in York, had lunch, had a group clothes try-on in Reiss (pronounced Rese, not Rice). We bought abut 5 trousers and 2 skirts and then the group split up,
some to do yet more shopping (Yay!! - one absent Whippet would have liked this bit best) and some to go on a boat trip. We found all this to be a good way of psyching ourselves up for some serious running. Pub-visit, shower, then we ate lots of chips and fish and chicken and bean-burgers, and drank lots of drink, while playing a game in which we decided who, in the pub, we would like to have a date with. We also dispensed a lot of helpful relationship advice to whichever Whippet felt they wanted it.

Task allocation
I won't go into all this, but Plodder Whippet 1, who is bossy, delegated tasks to all of the rest of us. E.g. Sprinting Whippet was in charge of safety pins, Walking Whippet 1 had to negotiate table-bookings in restaurants. Fast Whippet and Walking Whippet 1 were put in charge of singing an inspiring anthem, which they didn't do, in my hearing. I had to set everyone a personal performance indicator for the Race (we all work in either health care or education, where performance indicators are all the rage).

Day of race - pre-race nerves
None of us seemed to sleep well, what with York being the Hen and Stag party capital of the North. One Whippet heard a fight outside the hotel, and another heard a 'Hen' getting out of a taxi, being asked is she had got her knickers. Over breakfast we discussed anxiety and our various levels and sources. 'What if' I get lost? 'What if' I don't finish? 'What if' I get an injury? 'What if' we don't get back to the hotel in time for a shower? We ate our carbs again. Walking Whippet 2 insisted on her cooked breakfast.

Very hot and sunny. Sometimes a breeze. Some slow long hills. As usual in these things, there were many more uphills than downhills.
It was a lovely race-route - through lots of residential back-streets and then out into the City, past the Minster and Clifford's Tower, and past all the lovely clothes shops, over the river and then back to York Race-course, where we began.

We all achieved great success, and met our PPIs. Fast Whippet brought our Whippet team average up splendidly. Minor incidents to report - 3 weak-bladdered Whippets had to find bushes to squat behind before they had been running 5 minutes! We blame the coffee and the slight delay in start time. One Whippet (the fast one) lost 50 seconds when her shoe-lace came undone. Teacher Whippet tripped and nearly splatted her nose when a big burly fellow elbowed her out of the way to get past (this is why we usually do women's runs).

Then we had a shower or two, then we had a nice lunch and another little shop (resulting in 2 nice tops, a pair of baby bootees and 3 bars of soap). The the train home. A GOOD JOB, WELL DONE. Lancashire can be proud of its represetnation that day, in York.

All in all, we were privileged to run this race, and I think I can say that York was privileged to have a visitation by the Rossendale Whippets.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

My secret diary 1972 July (iii) - first kiss

July 21 (Fri)
Nicer day (weather was slightly cooler). Last day of holiday. Didn't swim, went to fun-fair - dodgems, dobby horses, 'Wild Mouse'. It was okay. At night got a bit drunk. Met loads of lads. John-the-creep, not too bad. The first lad to kiss me ever. Got rid of him. J met Bill, Carol met another Bill and I met Gerry. Quite nice! J's mum! Jerry sang to me and nibbled my ear and we danced. He was ging to throw me in the outside swimming pool and picked me up, but we went for a quite walk instead. Best bit was when he sang 'Moonshadow' by Cat Stevens to me.
July 22
Before we left for home we had a last look at the camp. Sad. Depressed. Had hangover from last night. Saw my Gerry driving a van and he shouted to me. Glad I saw him. J saw her Bill too and Carol moaned because she didn't see hers. Finally got home. Told Norma and Kate everything.
July 23
Wish I was still at Butlins. The weather is horrible - the family are nice, but but it feels boring to think of a whole 7 weeks with nothing to do. Oh Lord!! Me and J will just have to organise something. I guess I must be slow with any feelings for Gerry. Certainly thinking about him a lot now. Didn't on Friday or Saturday like J and C did.
July 24 (Mon)
Still suffering from depression - Oh I hate Oldham. I think I do like Gerry. He was nice, quiet, kind and gentle. I'm fed up. Phoned J. Were going to go to E's but she was out. Went to J's instead. Went to her grandma's for tea, felt welcome. Saw J's Auntie M to. Told my mum about Gerry.
July 25
Got up dead early, went down Middleton with Norma to look at a new coat but didn't like it. Then went to dentist's (Mr Cooper). He's dead nice and cheerful. Just a check up. Then went down Manchester to see Barry Aron*. (Ju came) She keeps teasing me about Gerry. I'm growing fonder of his memory.
July 26
Another boring depressing day. Got up late. Thought about going to see SG but didn't. Crocheted a bit, read a bit, thought about Gerry and holidays A LOT!! The more I think about him the more I like him. Sort of tidied up bedroom. Hung up picture of Cat Stevens to remind me of Gerry's 'Moonshadow' song. Fed up.
July 27 (Thurs)
Mixed day. This morning Norma phoned me from work and gave me a long list of things to do for her i) phone dentist ii) phone hairdresser iii) buy dress from Manchester. I was fuming, but I got 2 (i and ii) things done before dinner. After dinner went to Manchester with mum and Auntie Emma. It was awful and boring. Tonight went to Carol's and taped 'Vincent' and 'American Pie' - Great! Dum dum.
July 28 (Fri)
Auntie Emma still here. Wrote letter to Shirley, had shower, washed hair. After dinner went to town and opticians. Got dust im my eyes and optician said to rest my eyes a bit tonight. Got a lot of beeps and whistles from fellers in cars, not lorries. Dead chuffed. Boosted my ego. Lady got in a fight today (Auntie Emma had her on a lead) and she's been suffering from shock all day. I mean badly.
July 29 (Sat)
First drove Auntie Emma home with dad. After dinner went to pick J up at shop then we went to the grand old OLDHAM CARNIVAL. Quite good but boring 'cos of stupid girls waving arms and marching. Saw a really gorgeous lad - moustache, long hair. (J said he's like Gerry) - Nice. Saw Don McLean on BBC2 at J's. Slept the night.
July 30 (Sun)
J's brother, R's 5th birthday today. We organised a party for him. I bought him a card. He got a United kit off J. Party - horrible - usual group of little terrors, including Jimmy Frizzell's (Latics manager) sons.(Ahem) Found out when I got home that Norma had ruined the tape with Melanie and Albatross on, by tangling it up. Fuming. Nothing can be done.
July 31 (Mon)
Ok day - trouble is that when I'm on holiday from school I get so lazy. Morning - I did nothing but get up late and read. Afternoon - followed Norma around while she went up town - dentist's - up town again - I've spent a fortune on bus-fares. Me and J planning to go and see E tomorrow. Phoned but she wasn't in.

July 25th - he was my orthodontist, which makes me wonder if I had my first kiss whilst wearing a brace round my teeth?

Saturday, 23 July 2011

My secret diary 1972 July (ii)

July 11 Tues
Went on form geography trip to Malham. Lots of limestone scenery. Beautiful. Gordale Scar and Beck, Malham Cove and the limestone pavement (see postcards). Lovely. Seemed to talk a lot with E, know her a bit better now. Beautiful weather - going on holiday on Sat. Dead excited. Malham village is a deadly boring place with about 130 inhabitants!
July 12
Only one and a half days left at school - Ohh boy am I looking forward to going on holiday!!! I want to get a bikini, can I afford it, do you think? Me and J are going into town tomorrow, so I'll see then. Did hardly anything at school today. Had a sore throat. Beautiful weather (wonders'll never cease!!) Went to J's after school, helped to wash the car. I've got to call Mrs H 'Samantha'!!
July 13
Showed photos to everyone at school (of Norma and Dinsey) Good laugh. Got coconuts off Miss Roker to celebrate her ma's birthday. We have Mrs Roker a card and pressy. CL had a Norwegian pen-friend called Anna at school. She was dead pretty and had a lovely suit on. White! The poor thing was bored stiff because we did nothing all day.
July 14 (Fri)
Well, what do you know? We've broken up at last. Miss Roker was very nice today. Got special mention in Prayers for my moon model. Got bra and knickers set to use as a bikini - looks okay. Been one great mad rush getting everything ready for tomorrow (holiday). Dead excited. I probably won;t write in diary for another week. (I'll remember, I promise)
July 15 (Sat)
(Written on Sat July 22nd)
Well!! After we eventually set off. J's Uncle Edgar said that we should stop for tea at a silly lake (going to Pwllehli, Wales). Finally arrived. Only had tiime for a quick look round. Some lads.
July 16
(tried to pick us up) Broke my bunk bed first night. Weather is beautiful, hot and sunny. Packed up, went for a swim and general look round. Swam in outdoor pool and sunbathed on grass nearby. C and I don't agree (unfortunately) on where we should go at night. She wants to hunt for lads. Disco - no good, teenyboppers.
July 17 (Mon)
Weather as yesterday. Getting quite a suntan now. Swam, sun-bathed and were generally lazy. Wish I had a boyfriend here - would be nice. BUT not sure I like going out searching for lads, like C and J do. Sent loads of postcards.
July 18
Went down to the sea - slightly wavy but beautiful - so was weather. Beach not much good - pebbly. Sun-bathed. Oh I love the sea the best. Some lads offered us some fish and chips tonight. One of them fancied J like mad, but he was a just-gone-skinhead - a bit crummy - you know. Auntie Anne and Katrina are lovely.
July 19
Went to sea again - weather beautiful. Getting brown. Got the saying 'fish and chips' from lads last night. Wore bikini/ bra & Knickers - looks pretty good - even in water (outdoor swimming pool) Afterwards we went indoors - not very good - nothing to do at nights. Went in a few bars. 'Blinking Owl' etc. J got a bit drunk - dead funny!
July 20
Awful day. Weather beautiful but we went down to the beach, met 2 lads, Kevin and Brian. I guess I acted a bit cool and they more or less became occupied with C and J. I didn't like Kevin much anyway - a bit crude. Did my finger in on a tin-can*. Went to First Aid. J and C arranged to meet Kevin and Brian, but they didn't turn up. J got drunk again and her mum and Auntie Ann were mad.

July 20 - I've still got the scar on the middle finger of my right hand!

Friday, 22 July 2011

I went to the theatre and saw . . . .

The Cherry Orchard
by Chekhov


I've never been to the National Theatre before, so this was a treat that also involved a 2 night stop in London, a watercolour exhibition at the Tate, Camden Markets and the British Museum. Aren't we lucky to have all these marvellous places?
The Cherry Orchard was excellent. Zoe Wanamaker played the lead role, but she didn't dominate the production, as big names often can (we saw Pete Postlethwaite in a Harold Pinter at the Royal Exchange in Manchester, and the audience kept applauding him inappropriately - it wasn't his fault, he was great). Zoe Wanamaker seems as though she might be a bit too petite and gentle to play a Russian, land-owning matriarch, but she made herself big, and sometimes small, on stage.
Best of all was the size of the stage (!!!) and the 4 sets which were mind-blowing and magnificent. We were there, in a Russian dacha, with society changing around us.
I've knocked a mark off because, even though I've seen the Cherry Orchard before, I got confused with all the people who suddenly appear at the beginning of the play - it's hard to grasp how they all relate to each other.
An added bonus, as we left the theatre, was some street theatre and magicians performing just outside.
I want to go to the National Theatre again.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

My secret diary 1972 July (i)

July 1 (Sat)
Mum and dad went to Fleetwood or Blackpool. I did some of model and then went up town to collect J. We had dead good fun keeping house. My fingers are peeling near the nails. We made this terrific concoction of pineapples, bananas and Swiss roll - lovely. Poor Lady misses mum and dad when they go away but we take her out for walks.
July 2 (Sun)
Would you believe I got up at 6.30 this morning? Caroline came later to get a geography question for homework. Walked her back home, me, J and dog. Fun. Only 2 weeks off the holiday now! Exciting!! Mum and dad came home and me and J burnt potatoes.
July 3 (Mon)
Gosh, school seems to be dragging on forever. Done some more of model - coming on quite well now. In Russian Miss Hatch let us listen to a tape of a Russian programme that the BBC is planning to use. They're using our school as a guinea pig. Robert Redford's on the telly on Wed. I want to go to J's to watch it because it's on BBC2
July 4
Today I tried to be happy. It worked until tonight. N phoned and told us the results of her exams. She's failed one and dad was really cross. He gave me a lecture about it. I feel like crying. I am crying. J was off today. I phoned her and she said she had violent stomach pains and felt dizzy etc. Poor thing.
July 5
Would have been nice day if that awful thought about poor N hadn't kept lurking underneath. Dad gone to London for the day. I'm sure he's upset. Parents of new girls came looking round today at school. What a load of snobs, staring through the windows etc. It felt like a zoo. Rob Redford not on TV.
July 6 Thur
Me, J, C, R, S and C have all decided to go camping during the summer holidays. It'll be great fun. Don't seem to have done anything at school hardly. Nice and sunny most of day, but rained a bit this morning. Hope it's sunny for the hols.
July 7
Happy morning but I feel so tired. S got a beautiful Robert Redford poster. Gorgeous. Lucky thing. Broke up half way through day 'cos junior prize-giving tonight. Went into town with J - bought a pair of pumps, went to the library, got SF and Tolkien. Auntie Annie, Uncle Fred and Auntie Emma came. Mum went with them to Auntie May's. Came back late - worried me.
July 8 (Sat)
Went to pick N up in Birmingham. Picked up 3 weird hitch-hikers - I'm sure one was a drug addict - but he was gorgeous. Norma and dad were okay - thought dad would treat her a bit funny. So happy. Glad N home. Taped loads of nice things - remember Albatross by Fleetwood Mac? Nice. Also a tape of N drunk at a university party - it's a laugh, but I was a bit embarrassed.
July 9
Quite a nice day. Got up lovely and late for a change. Been a bit of a rush to finish my space model. Looking quite nice now. Everyone's helped. Did log-book to go with it. Pretty nice. Auntie May came - brought some old photos of me and everybody. Lovely. I like my Auntie May. She brought some scent for me and Norma. I'm hungry. Fridge works.
July 10 (Mon)
Not too bad a day. Done nothing at school except for the Arts Festival in afternoon. Obstacle, 3-legged and wheelbarrow races - oh what fun! Cake competition as well as the arts sections. My space model came 1st in that section. I'm very pleased. Tonight at home it was horrible. Me & Norma had a whopping great row with mum. Dad was on our side. I cried and lost temper. It's okay now. Happy again.