Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Anita Shreve - Just finished reading

Sea Glass by Anita Shreve

I think this is a perfect modern novel. I don't think I can class it as a great book. It isn't a Dickens. Nor is it a Wolf Hall. But it was a perfect read.
Each chapter was based around one of the 5 or 6 key characters as they moved through the unfolding story. Anita Shreve is very good at providing a quiet, understated backdrop, rich in detail, for the drama that emerges, sometimes shockingly. She is also good at giving a feel for an era.
Here we are taken to America, just as the depression of the 1930s is beginning, but our characters don't know that. People wonder about their futures; people can't imagine their futures; people take risks; people have hope, or worries. And then the market crashes.
It is about relationships, love, the gulf between classes in America. It is also about Marxist politics and state collusion with capitalist industrialists.
And, most importantly, it is about finding value and beauty in pieces of old glass flung up amongst the detritus on a beach.
I like it that Anita Shreve's novels are all linked to each other, often through a particular house on this particular beach, at different points in its history.
Well satisfied.

But now I must read a book by a male author, as I am trying to do girl-boy-girl-boy!

My secret diary 1973 June (ii) Exams end and laundry-work begins

June 16 Sat
Auntie May's welcome home party - you can imagine what it was like. Beautiful weather, been sunbathing. Marion and kids were there. Great to see Auntie May. Mum and Auntie Emma had a row!!

June 17
Good grief! I've just seen a gang of Teddy Boys walking down the street! Teddy Boys - I ask you! Spent today in the car when I should have been revising for exams. Took Auntie Emma back home*, and Auntie May came too

June 18
Rats!* I feel rotten. I've not felt particularly bad during these exams but this damned geography is getting me down and mum keeps moaning. They're going on holiday next week and I'm at home with Ju and dog. Me and Ju are going to work at Boundary Park*.

June 19
At last Geog's over with. Not too bad. Me and Ju working at Boundary Laundry tomorrow.Mum and dad going on holiday and Ju's staying at our house - should be fun. Been gathering Julie's present up. Got her joss sticks, tights, nougat bar, necklace. Plan to get her a record.

June 20
Went to get National Insurance card with Julie. Went to library. When she had gone I bought her present - David Bowie's
Drive in Saturday
Also got her a candle and some wrapping paper. That's all! Done a lot of biol revision, hardly any Russ.

June 21 (Thurs)
Had biol and Russ exams - not too bad - quite satisfied. Only got Russ left tomorrow. Went to see film with Ju and S at ABC 'That'll be the Day' with Ringo and David Essex. Film about teddy boys in the 1950s and things. Great! A bit 'cough-cough'* but good.

June 22
Last exam! Russ - not too bad. Hey - guess who phoned? Terry! While I was at school. He said he's phone later. He hasn't yet. Me and Ju and Andrea went to Catholic club - okay.

June 23 Sat
First day of freedom. What did I do today? Oh - went up town with SQ - she bought Ju some dangly ear-rings. Also I bought some sticky stars, all different colours -see front of diary. To stick on my arms and face and other places. I'm not worried about 'O' level results yet. Feel v tired. mum and dad go away tomorrow.

June 24  Ju's birthday.
(no entry made)

June 25
Got a letter from Rob. Made me cry. Don't know what to do. He wants me to go back with him - hell -

June 26
Tired and bored. What to do about Terry?

June 27 - 30
(no entries)*

* Commentary
June 17 - Emma live outside of Sheffield. I loved that fantastic drive over the Isle of Skye road, across the moors, high up, with just grass, no trees, bleak.
June 18 - if you are familiar with the Peanuts cartoon, you'll spot me adopting the language of Charlie Brown, Snoopy and co. Boundary Park was the local name for our local hospital.
June 21 - I think 'a bit cough-cough' was our way of saying it had scenes of a sexual nature!
June 27 - I suspect that working in a hospital laundry sapped my energy!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

My secret diary 1973 June (i) waiting by the telephone & 'O' levels arrive

June 1
You know, Terry is something different - I think it's because he's Irish and mature and experienced. I like older fellas! I phoned Ju and then phoned him. He lives in a flat with three other fellas. Couldn't tell what he was saying half the time, the line was crackly. Been very tired. Didn't get in 2 this morning. He wants me to go over to see him at his place.

June 2 Sat
Oh I hate myself. Keep trying to do revision but my mind won't take it. Oh I'm too tired to write much. I'm excited about Terry. He's an experience that mustn't be missed. All the fun of the fair. Told Ju about him.

June 3
God, I've been nervous all day, with butterflies in my stomach, don't know whether that's about exams or because Terry said he'd phone - he didn't. I told mum he might phone - she's been giving me pitying looks all day. Could be he's lost, or got the wrong phone number. Could be he didn't want to ring or he forgot. Don't know whether to phone him or not now.

June 4
He still didn't phone today. SQ phoned. I told her about him. She's going out with that Geoff from the Parochial. I'm not so bothered today, although I would like him to phone. Norma came home. Got an exam tomorrow. Eng Lang. It still hasn't struck me. Oh Terry!

June 5 (Tues)
Well, Eng Lang over with at last. Maths next, on Friday. Eng Lang not bad, in fact ok. Got some joss sticks - beautiful. Got some for Julie's birthday too. Terry's not phoned. Ju says I should phone him. Norma says I shouldn't. What the hell should I do?

June 6

June 7
Went to SQ's with Julie and did some maths revision. and some talking - too much - I feel frightened now. I phoned Terry!! From a phone box on the way home, after consulting Ju and S. He sounded a bit funny but nice later on. He's asked me to go to a dance at the college tomorrow night. To go or not to go?!

June 8 (Fri)
I'm in bed early. 9 o'clock. I need it. Had Maths I this morning - not too bad. terry phoned - can't decide whether he was trying to put me off going to the dance or not - but I'm not going - I can't get back from Rochdale. Went to dentist's. I met Miss Gartside* on the way there and had a nice talk to her. Sunny.

June 9 Sat
Oh gee whizz. Such a beautiful programme on the radio this morning with this fella playing all the old rock and roll records - Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lewis etc. Great! Me and Norma loved it. Stella came yesterday - got me a Saturday job, starts in September. Not done as much revision as I should.

June 10
Nothing but revision

June 11
Eng Lit - rotten

June 12 Tues
Revision - not as bad as I expected. Revision. So tired.

June 13
Maths + Geog. Maths not bad. Geog rotten.
Revision and Bob Dylan on radio

June 14
Chemistry was horrible. The worst exam we've had. Loads of calculations (inc 2 on B section) - hope I've not failed. No organic. No industrial, no chlorine. Frightened*. Made nightie out of dad's shirt.

June 15 (Fri)
Beautiful weather. Sunbathed, revised, made halter neck top - v revealing!! Planted in garden. Done a lot. Feel v tired. Auntie May's home tomorrow.*

June 8 - Miss Gartside was our Religious Education teacher. She seemed quite old, as I recall. With soft round cheeks, and grey hair in a soft bun on top of her head, with a lot of kirby grips. She smiled a lot and was very gentle. She was also responsible for teaching us to write in italics. Julie excelled at this, and I didn't! We had special dip-in ink pens, with ink-wells.
June 14 - these were the days when we were assessed solely on exam performance - no course work at all.
June 15 - Auntie May was my favourite auntie. One of her sons had emigrated to South Africa, and had a family over there. I think Auntie May went over twice in her life, to see him. This was her first visit (with her husband, Uncle Herbert). Now, looking back, I don't know how they afforded the trip.

Monday, 4 June 2012

My secret diary 1973 May (iii) Boppers and Levis

May 23 Wed
Sorry, tired, don't feel like writing. Going to Whiskers on Friday. Julie not coming. She wants to (I think) but she's not letting on. Been listening to Bob Dylan on the radio

May 24
Behind with diary. Feel tired. Seems funny - it will be last ever English lesson on Friday*.

May 25
Broke up from school. Very sunny weather. I only got three mistakes in a Russian dictation!! Everyone else got 12 or 7 or something. I'm sure she thinks I've cheated. I didn't! Went to Whiskas. Ju didn't. Is our friendship finishing? Oh what can I do? 2 fellas tried to pick me and S up.

May 26 (Sat)
Nowt exciting to say. beautiful weather. Spent a lot of day outside revising Eng Lit. Didn't do as much as I should have. Saw a very scary film on tellly, hope I can sleep. About black magic and things. Remember that smock and shorts I made? I cut the smock into a short blouse yesterday. Q nice.

May 27
Been sort of half doing Physics revision all day. I felt faint this morning and mum was ever so nice. I think it was periods. Beautiful weather again. There's a girl about my age lives across the road from us. I'm curious about her. I thought she was a bopper* once because of her coat, but she was wearing flared Levis today. Wish I was brave.

May 28
Bank holiday. Some holiday when you've got to revise all the time. Actually, went to Auntie Emma's (took biol books with me). Took dog. Wish I was walking up on the hills. Wish I was free, no worries. No ties. Julie phoned and we were quite friendly. I'm worried, she's had a row with Asda. She might get fired.

May 29 (Tues)
At last, started Geog revision. Feel as though i've done quite a bit. Julie came after dinner to copy up physics. She's invited me to Bailey's on Thursday. I want to go. Susan Greenwood phoned - okay. Not much to say. V tired. Norma started her exams ay uni today.

May 30
Hardly anything at all to write. Chem revision allday. Made a watchstrap when my mind was clogged up. Phoned Ju. Might be going to Bailey's tomorrow. Going to dentists. Why does time pass so quickly? Oh why?

May 31st (Thurs)
Ye gods! Went to Baileys. New place where the Astoria used to be. Met a fella called Terry, or Harry or something. He's Irish, a student and weird. He studies maths and science - going to be a teacher. He tried to go a bit too far in the back of his car. I stopped him!*

May 24 - and Miss Turner - scary though you were - I still thank you from the bottom of my heart for teaching me how to express myself competently in writing and to love literature.
May 27 - I think we used to use the word 'bopper' in a derogatory way - a teeny-bopper - someone who might follow the Bay City Rollers, maybe?
May 31 - I have struggled with honesty vs editting here. I have edited a bit, but also been a bit honest. A braver person might have thought it is no big deal to reveal all from 39 years ago, but I find myself trying to preserve some of the privacy of my 16 year old self. Or is that my 'self'? I think these dilemmas will get more difficult as I become an older teenager. So I wonder if I will have to stop this publishing at some point?

Sunday, 3 June 2012

My secret diary 1973 May (ii) the green eyed monster

May 16
God, I've been in a really rotten mood with Julie all day. It's a wonder she's still talking to me. Well, everyone gets on my nerves. Miss Hatch she wasn't get enough work from some of us. Cheeky devil. I've done Russ every day since orals.

May 17 Thurs
Too tired to write anything. went to Manchester Festival. Got annoyed cos Ju kept wanting to come home. Me Ju and S. Some nice looking lads.

May 18
Normal day. felt like a goody-goody over something in chemistry. Can't tell all of it - too long, but we were in the right and Mis Rogerson said so (about Section A papers). Anyway going to Manchester University tomorrow to look around. Good night.

May 19 Sat
Went to look round Man University this morning with S, her sister and Jayne. Was a bit boring. When I came home mum said she's seen Julie in Asda. Ju's going out with a boy called Geoff. I'm jealous, but I'm not going to show it.

May 20 Sun
Done a lot of work today. It's dawning on me that I can't afford to much around - no time. Good film on TV - 'On the Beach' by Neville Shute.

May 21
Julie hasn't mentioned to me that she is going out with Geoff. She said something to S. I was quiet and sulky, tried not to be but couldn't help it. She asked me who - in front of everyone! She's going to disco with him on Tues. Arranged for me to go too I think.

May 22 Tue
It cracked today. I guess it's mainly my fault why me and Ju weren't getting on so well yesterday. Anyway I nearly got mad with her today. She told me all about Geoff and how she expected me to go to the club with them (Geoff and friends) How's that for a blind date?! I was angry but I'll try not to be.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

William Boyd - just finished reading

Restless by William Boyd 7 /10 I've just had the pleasure of reading my first William Boyd book. It's great when you open up a new author for discovery. It was a spy thriller! Not what I would normally choose, but not a normal spy thriller, I suspect. Makes you think about subterfuge, bluffs and double bluffs. A woman discovers that her mother was a second world war spy and is not the person she has led everyone to believe that she is. The best bit is coming to understand why the book is called 'restless'. Looking forward to more Boyds.

My secret diary 1973 May (i) - being disgusted with people in general

May 1st (Tues)
Don't feel like writing much. A horrible day. Tired, depressed. Physics section B test was horrible. I'm sure I've failed.

May 2
Went to see Miss Crabtree* (everyone does roundabout 'O' level time). Told her I'm doing maths, chem and biol for 'A' level. Julie's lot started French orals today. It still hasn't dawned on me that 'O's are coming!

May 3
Tired. Fed up. Did such a lot of Russian today. Orals next Thursday!!

May 4 (Fri)
I like Friday but I'm very tired at the moment. Oh, mum is so upset and depressed and I do want to cheer her up so much, and dad keeps going on about money all the time. Revising tonight. Ju had her French oral. I'm ever so frightened.

May 5
Been up town, got library books, got folder to keep papers in. Newspapers on strike. Cup final between Leeds and Sunderland (2nd division) and Sunderland won!! Isn't that great!?* Ju phoned. I think I annoyed her. I told her I didn't want to sleep over tonight. I'm so tired.

May 6 (Sun)
Ju came to do revision at our house because the funeral party was at their house (Ju's grandad's died). Ju was upset because she hadn't done a lot of revision so I tried to cheer her up. Think I did. Just seen a terrific film on TV called 'The Birds' by Alfred Hitchcock.

May 7
sorry. Too tired

May 8
Today I'm tired. Russian orals on Thursday. In tears all night. Mum and dad were really nice about it. I explained about Miss Hatch, I don't think they believed me.

May 9 (Wed)
behind with diary. too tired to write.

May 10 (Thur)
Horrible day. Had russian oral with lady called Mrs Mills. Nice lady, not nice oral. Had to rush to dentists after school. Hatch let us out late and I was late at Mr Aron's. He did something to my brace.
это все*

May 11
At the moment I'm in a good mood, you see some of us - Ju, me, S, Lesley and Jayne went to the Cat's Whiskers. q good. I sometimes envy Ju. A lot of lads seem to fancy her. Anyway, all the others wen, and me and Lesley were left waiting for her dad, and this fella (must have been 35!) asked me for a dance. I did cos Lesley didn't want to. Kept flattering me. Then I went home.

May 12
Feel very tired. Went to Christies cancer hospital with school this morning. V interesting. I was a bit frightened because we went in high radiation zones. At the moment I feel happy. That fella yesterday worked wonders.

May 13 (Sun)
Happy. Even though it's a sunday it's a nice day. Ju phoned and I teased her by not telling her what happened at the Whiskers. Did a lot of revision. Took dog for walk. Sunny but not warm. This long haired fell gave me a long deep sexy stare*. I wanted to say 'Happy Sunday' but I didn't.

May 14
Shall I go to Cats Whiskers on Thursday with S? Ju is knocking about with her new Asda friends a bit. Going to opening of Festival of Manchester on Thursday.

May 15
I feel disgusted with people in general. I can think of 4 occasions wen people with info have used it to get what they want. See green book.* Me and dad have had such a nice talk. I gave him my views. He listened. I feel happy but tired and confused.

May 2nd Miss Crabtree was our headteacher. I could never really take her seriously. She didn't have the authority in her aura that some of the staff had.
May 5 - My partner Paul, who I didn't know then, is a life-long Sunderland supporter so I must discuss this with him when he gets home!
May 10 - Russian for 'that's all'
May 13 - I'm so embarrassed transcribing this!
May 15 - I've no idea what this is about