Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

My secret diary 1973 October (iv) - enjoying a bit of male attention

Oct 25th (Thur)
Julie's Mick came up from Surrey - so she was excited and I feel a bit neglected again - it's jealousy, I think. Washed hair 'cos S phoned last night, going to Tiffany's with her tomorrow, also meeting that bloke on Saturday, Chris B. We're writing a pantomime.

Oct 26th
Oh boy, have I got a lot to tell you! Well, we broke up at dinnertime. I went up town and then at night me, Ju, Mick and S went to Rochdale Tiffany's  I met a bloke called Jeff - boy was he nice - blond* with a 'tash - Monty Python, Chess, Folk music - great. But what about Chris tomorrow?

Oct 27th (Sat)
Oh boy - slept over at S's last night - at midday went home and then we went to JP's wedding - she was late! (not her fault). I phoned Jeff and made a date for Sunday - ye gods - tomorrow! Meanwhile I met Chris and we (Ju, Mic, Chris and me) went to the wedding disco. Chris said I was beautiful etc. Nice.

Oct 28th (Sun)
It can't be love - can it? I went out with Jeff after a very boring and depressing day. Oh it was lovely - went to 2 pubs - felt a bit uncomfy but afterwards  - oh he's lovely. Got my sense of humour. He's 20 years old. He paid for a taxi for me, all the way home. Mmmmm.

Oct 29th
Oh, I keep thinking about Geoff. Chris phoned last night while I was out. Mum just said I was out. He went to the club and Ju and Mick said that I was at my sister's. Went into town to get dad a pressy for his birthday tomorrow, but didn't get one. What can I buy him?! I like Geoff. I keep teasing mum about his padded shoulders and shifty eyes. He said I had a nice smile (Ju once said that 'people have got to be nice to get what they want'). Is it true in this case?

Oct 30th (Tues)
I was very much in demand on the phone today. Originally I got up 'cos Sd phoned about Biol. Then I phoned Ju. Then dinner. Then I started to tidy room but Carol, Chris and Sd phoned. On half term hols. Not getting far with room. Mick home today. Seeing Chris tomorrow night.

Oct 31st
Went in town with ju in morning, she came for dinner then tea and then I went out with Chris at night. Right laugh. In Royton. Only about 3 people - went for walk. ***

Oct 26th - wasn't blond - was ginger in daylight!
Oct 31st - these asterisks indicate that I wrote something using Russian alphabet letters next. I can't make it out now, but was clearly top secret that I wouldn't want mum to read if she came across my diary. I don't think it was more than a snog :-)

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Kate Grenville - Just finished reading

Lilian's Story by Kate Grenville


I have really enjoyed other books by Kate Grenville - The Secret River, The Idea of Perfection. This one wasn't as immediately rewarding, but nonetheless it is an interesting book, which draws you into the inner world of a woman who is not living a 'normal' life. Kate Grenville must have researched the background to the book well because as I travelled through Lilian's life with her, I was reminded of some of the women I met on long stay psychiatric wards, back in the 1980s. In fact, Lilian could have based on one particular woman, who was plump, wore bizarre clothes, outspoken, articulate, unafraid and had lived an interesting, if odd, life. Both Lilian and the woman I worked with seemed to have disordered thinking - maybe delusional, or maybe just approaching life and its problems and pain differently from the rest of us.

I ended up caring about Lilian and wanting no harm to come to her - she was living on the streets and growing old. She seemed well able to look after herself, though.

When I look it up, it seems that this was Kate Grenville's first novel, whilst the others I have read came much later. You can see how her writing has changed.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Hilary Mantel - Just finished reading

Giving up the Ghost by Hilary Mantel (audio book)


Without a doubt Hilary Mantel is one of the great British living writers. I think this because of Wolf Hall and Bring up the Bodies, and also because of the range and richness of her other writings such as Fludd and Beyond Black. I'm not sure that the stories always completely satisfy me, but her writing and her imagination are superb.

This  book is autobiographical. It is approached in a disjointed and unexpected way. She immerses us in her childhood and also in her illnesses and treatments and hospitalisations. I'm not sure I wanted to be depressed like this, but it is valuable for any of us (especially those who work in it) to understand the experience of illness and health 'care' and how wrong and distressing it can all be.

Because the book dragged me down in mood, I might have given it a lower mark. I gave it 7, though, because of one moment. I was listening to the book as I drove into work. I have (you'll be glad to know) one part of my brain on the traffic and the driving and one part on the book. Suddenly, because of Hilary Mantel's skill at evoking atmosphere, I was back in my childhood home, very young, sitting on the moquette settee feeling comfortable, smelling onions cooking for mum's cheese and onion pie, and watching the dust-motes floating in the sunlight streaming through the window. Hilary Mantel took me there - not to a memory of an event, or a memory of doing something, but to a moment of just being me, as a child. Wow! Absolute respect to this woman.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

My teenage diary 1973 October (iii) a short-lived feeling of happiness

Oct 16th  (Tues)
Okay day at school. After school, film society film - Killer - not as good as 'Lovely War'. Got sort of chatted up on the way home by 6th form boy - I'd swear he's on drugs or something. Don't know much about him though. Ju sounds better.

Oct 17th
Ju not at school. Miss Crabtree told the LVI prefects that 6 girls would have to give charity talks in assembly  Don't really fancy it. Reading a lovely book recommended by S. Snowflake by Paul Gallicoe - children's story - beautiful.

Oct 18th
Good Grief, it's freezing and it's my birthday next Wed. Ju told me - I didn't realise it was soon. Ju not at school - what should I do? Doing charity appeals soon at school. I'm writing one. AW is reading it. Help help.

Oct 19th (Fri)
Heeee - how nice. I'm sat in my bedroom with a glass of milk and a biscuit and even though it's cold, I'm happy. Oh Damn - but am I happy? I feel all tensed up and nervous. I can't keep still sometimes. Norma's home. I'm really glad. I love my big sister. I love my mum and I love my dad. I love Lady too. Don't die.

Oct 20th (Sat)
Nice day in a way. Went into town with Julie. Got new school cardigan. Went to club at night. There I found out that one of the waiters finds me 'very attractive'. This lad called Chris asked me to dance - it's wonderful for the ego! Wants to see me again, next week.

Oct 21st
Slept at Ju's last night. Today went to Lancaster with Norma 'cos she was moving out of present room to a bed-sit. Felt really envious of her - wish I could be independent and free, too. In 2 years me and Ju and 2 others will have a really big holiday - yes!

Oct 22nd
Birthday soon, gee whizz - 17 years! Told Chris I was 17. Don't know what to do about him. He's 18 or 19. Ju's Mick is coming down for weekend so with a bit of luck (I'll need it) we'll be a foursome at the club but I don't know.

Oct 23rd (Tues)
Poor old Miss Rogerson's* house was burgled yesterday, so she was telling us about it today. Poor thing. Also sixth form meeting formed 'LVIth committee' - me on it! We thought of putting on a pantomime at Xmas for a hospital or something.

Oct 24th
What a damn rotten, miserable birthday - no, I don't mean to sound so grotty but Norma didn't send me a card, Julie didn't come to school 'cos she had pains again. Oh, E got me some Aqua Citra Bath Oil. I got a card from S and after school Ju came round and gave me a Snoopy poster, toy car and chess set.

Oct 23rd - Miss Rogerson was our form mistress and chemistry teacher.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

A post from my grown-up me.

This is not from the teenage diary.

What I have learned in the last three months.

  1. The sun is not a friend  it is an enemy and getting a tan is a sign that your skin is trying to protect itself against further damage. I knew that really, I am a bore with my factor 20 sun-cream. But there is knowing, and there is knowing.
  2. It is always worth going to the doctor with a mole that has changed shape or looks odd.
  3. I never thought that I would see the words 'malignant' or 'prognosis' in a letter about me. These words overshadowed all the other words in the letter and stopped me seeing them. I have been around enough to know what they can mean in real human terms.
  4. Having flesh cut out of your leg (two times!!) doesn't hurt, with enough local anaesthetic. 
  5. The word 'malignant' is enough to stop you being able to give blood. My blood is not as valuable / good as it once was.
  6. Things sometimes turn out okay in the end, as the brown envelope that arrived in the post this morning told me.
  7. The National Health Service is a great institution that we should protect.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

My secret diary 1973 (October ii) - mill chimneys and news from an ex.

Oct 10 (Wed)
Not much to say. behind with diary a bit. V.v. cold suddenly. Julie off school, got tummy ache and scabs on face.

Oct 11
Again, v little to say. Julie is away again. Doctor gave her Roter tablets like my dad has for his ulcer and said she may have impetigo.

Oct 12
Fun at school when S told some UVs* not to eat in school uniform. Gave them both essays. Some smart Alec in the government announced that Oldham is the drabbest, dullest, dirtiest town in England. How dare he call my home town? I love it and its chimneys*.

Oct 13 (Sat)
I got a letter from - guess who? - Rob!* It really annoyed me, telling me about university and girls etc. Went to town with Ju and she came to my house for dinner and I went to her house for tea. Went for a chat round at CR's, with G and H*, who I can't stand. Ok day.

Oct 14
You know, I really hate Sundays, partly 'cos it's so boring and partly 'cos I usually save all my homework for then - which is a bit thick. I won't next weekend. Mum was depressed, so was I. At least Norma was in a better mood. Ju said last week that a waiter at the club was mad about me.

Oct 15 (Mon)
Oh, so worried about Julie. I think she might have stomach ulcers - doctor's given her Roter tablets. She was away today, violent pains in her stomach. I went to blasted computer course - which I don't like much. Not much else to say.

Oct 12 - UV - the Upper fifth - these were the year below us - the 16 year olds. As sixth formers now, we had some duties involving controlling, herding and reprimanding everyone else. It was not easy!
Oct 12 - for those reading this who don't know Oldham, in 1973 the town still had many tall and imposing cotton mill chimneys dominating its skyline.

I was brought up living next door to the 'Daisy' mill and was used to seeing great huge baskets being hoisted up and down, loaded and unloaded with raw cotton and newly spun cotton. My mum and all her sisters worked in the mills, in mysterious rooms called the carding rooms or the spinning rooms or doubling rooms. Words like winding, doubling, reels, bales and shoddy were part of the everyday language of my streets. We played hop scotch with the round ends of cotton bobbins. Most of the mill chimneys have been demolished now. It may have been a drab and dirty town then, but when I revisit it now, I find its heart and soul have been ripped out by town planners, who really have never known how to reconstruct a community broken when its main industry died.
Oct 13 - ex boyfriend
Oct 13 - I tend to substitute random initials for names, except for Carol and Julie, who don't mind being named!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

My secret diary 1973 October (i) Computers, posters and trying to help my friend

Oct 1st (Mon)
Highly exciting day ending with computer course at tech. I'm beginning to regret having gone.

Oct 2nd
Ju was away yesterday, but here today, although ill. E was away today & yesterday. We're doing up our cloakroom with posters and things - looks okay. Saw film 'Oh What a Lovely War!' (film theatre) Very good. World War One. Sarcastic. funny.

Oct 3rd
Julie away from school. Teachers concerned I think. I phoned her and she said her mum was collecting the photos. Whippee!!

Oct 4th (Thurs)
The holiday photos that is. They're okay. We've got Valentino and his pals on them. Also some Surrey lads (Gary Glitter). Oh + Sara + Sian - oh it was such fun, and such a lot has happened since .. I do wish that we could go there again next year - but what can we do now? It's all changed. Went to Oldham Rep. Ten Little Niggers*, with Norma.

Oct 5th
Ju's a lot better. Not much to write - school's pretty normal. V hard work. Messed around with microscope a while, got a few good clear cells (this at home). Work's getting on top of me really - Ju's mum phoned and asked me if I could get her to go out a bit more.

Oct 6th (Sat)
Today I went in town, eyed up some jeans, bought a poster for 20p - so did Julie and went to show girls in inside market and they asked for 3. Bloke on stall let us have them for 10p. Went to Royton Club after. I didn't want to in case Jerry was there, He wasn't, but came later with girl!

Oct 7th
Hmwk in morning and we drove Norma to Morecambe in affy. She's lodging there while going to Lancaster College*. Felt envious of her. I am bored, I am bored, I am bored (to the tune of 'Frere Jacques')

Oct 8th (Mon)
Suddenly bogged down with work. I'm in a bad mood with everyone, especially mum it seems. Went to computer course. Big war between Israel and Egypt - I wish they'd stop it. Going to Plough on Friday. I wish I could be a Buddhist.

Oct 9th
Ju upset today because Miss Roker told her off about her dad's ring that she was wearing. She cried 'cos she was reminded, I think and S didn't help - kept ging on about it. Golly, it's my birthday soon and I don't feel a bit cheerful. Went to help with coffee evening at (.........)* Felt ridiculous amid fur coats and floppy hats.

Oct 4th - To edit and not use offensive language? Or to stay true to the zeitgeist of 1973?
Oct 7th - Norma had started at teacher training college.
Oct 9th - can't read this - what a shame! I would love to have known what it was.