Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Friday, 31 January 2014

My secret teenage diary 1974 January (iv) - in which the family is knocked by a road traffic accident.

January 26th (Sat)
Working at Hardcastle's. Miss Hoodless wasn't in today. Barbara's been ever so nice. I got some lovely pop sox. Shiny. Went out with Geoff again. Mum went mad with me when I came in (1.15am). But she was a bit upset 'cos they haven't been out.

Jan 27th
Hell's bells, is there some sort of curse on our family? Mum and dad went out and mum got knocked down by a motor-bike*. Dislocated shoulder, stitches in leg. Ambulance brought her home.

Jan 28th
Sorry I'm behind but just lately I've been v tired, having to look after mum + everything. She's not at all well and dad stayed at home today to look after her!!! Having an applied maths test tomorrow. No kidding, I've hardly done any revision.

Jan 29th (Tues)
Mum's stil bad. I wrote letter to Norma. Dad's annoyed because she hasn't been in touch. Maths test rotten. Behind with homework. V v tired.

Jan 30th
Auntie May has been the last 2 days, to look after mum. Dad's still decorating. Mum's a lot better. Norma phoned. I sent off for some travel brochures. Cousin Marion came to visit mum. I'm stil itchy. Got 63% for maths.

Jan 31st
Ordinary common or garden school day. Geoff phoned about going out. Might be going to see film 'Enter the Dragon' (King Fu film)

Jan 27th - I have only just (40 years on) made the connection between this event and what I reported a few days earlier - that mum had a cataract on her eye. She may not have even seen the motorbike. In one respect these were not major injuries, but mum was quite frail and small, and this accident changed her life, I think. It's an event that is stil emotionally-laden, after all these years.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

My secret teenage diary 1974 January (iii) - in which I am waiting for a phone call

January 19th Sat
Worked at Hardcastle's - very boring. Oh, I'm so annoyed with Julie, but should I be? You see, we made arrangements to do revision together tonight - she phoned and said she couldn't because Andy (new boyfriend) was at her house. I'd told Geoff I wasn't going out with him. Oh - I dunno. I was left to revise by myself. Mum's a bit ill.

Jan 20th
Got up late but meant to get up early. I'm not writing much - got a horrible sickly headache. V tired. Been revising all day for biology exam tomorrow. For a holiday this summer Southern Ireland sounds nice.

Jan 21st
Oh, we've started doing a big decorating job on the living room - a nice looking bloke is in putting wood on the walls and shelves and things. It's good fun. He's gorgeous, but married. Had biol test, don't know how i did.

Jan 22nd Tues
Fella's still decorating. What if Geoff doesn't phone up this week? I'm worried 'cos he didn't say anything last time. Try not to worry. Ju away from school today. I wish she'd pick herself up. Don't know how to help her. My head is really itchy.

Jan 23rd
Had to write in pencil, pen ran out, you probably can't read this anyhow. What to do about holiday? (.....unclear.....)

Jan 24th Thur
I'm trying not to let it worry me much. Geoff hasn't phoned. He nearly always phones on Thursday night. I'm not going to cry. Why should I let it upset me? I phoned S. She's getting on my nerves a bit. We've got a damn maths test tomorrow. Dad had me going down to Asda for him, for tiles. Oh I'm fed up!!!

Jan 25th Fri
I'm behind with diary. I'm v tired. I'm writing this on Monday and such a lot has happened. On Friday I was upset a bit, thought Geoff wasn't going to phone, but he did and we went out. Mum thinks he's having me for a fool. But I know what I'm doing.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

My secret teenage diary 1974 January (ii) - in which I am mostly in a state of ennui

January 9th Wed
Back to school, as the shops say. Been on my pills, ointment etc, but I'm still itching like mad. I think it's spreading. School ok. RH in hospital poor thing. Also, mum's got a cataract on her left eye and has to have something done about it. We're in a right state.

Jan 10th
School. Normal as usual. Sorry, I'm a bit behind with diary. Geoff phoned. Going to Tiffany's on Friday. I'm a bit worried. I think I'm getting a bit bored with Geoff. I think we're getting in a rut.

Jan 11th
Ok day at school. Well, not too bad. I'm hoping that work doesn't bury me too much. In fact I hope that Geoff doesn't bury me too much either. Some of his family think we're really serious. I mean rings and wedding bells!!! They've another think coming. My spots have spread a bit more. Went to Tiffany's.

Jan 12th Sat
Working at Hardcastles. Feel very lonely without C etc. Been bored stiff all day. Went to Heywood with Geoff.

Jan 13th
Nothing really worth writing about. You see I haven't enough drive in me. Got up at 12.15. Went for drive with dad*. Did homework. Norma's been home this weekend. I'm dead tired.

Jan 14th Mon
Suddenly realised how behind I am with my work. I must try and work myself harder. Been invited to C and S's party. Devised rota today for Mrs Scott for Estcourt* on rainy days. Spots clearing up. Going now. Bye Bye.

Jan 15th
Seem to have been working very hard lately. Very, very tired. Going to have BIG maths test soon. Too much work to do Trying to see more of Julie. Saw Alfred Hitchcock film 'Marnie' Q good.

Jan 16th
Normal day - what else can I say? Work's annoying me. I seem perpetually tired. Sent a silly postcard to Geoff, and a letter to RH to cheer her up.

Jan 17th Thur
V tiring day, I seem to be always working hard. Went to Mr Aron's* in Manchester. He said to go back in 6 months whippee. Got insurance reminder for contact lenses. Dad starting to strip walls for decorating.

Jan 18th
Work is really getting on top of me. I've been just plain nasty and bad-tempered to everyone today. I've got a sudden drive to catch up on all my work but I can't because I have to revise for some tests. Went to Tiffany's. I had vodka and blackcurrant.

Jan 13 - my dad was teaching me to drive, I think, around this time.
Jan 14 - Estcourt was a kind of prep school, attached to my grammar school. I didn't go there
Jan 17 - Mr Aron was my orthodontist. I seem to have been seeing for ever! Braces, many teeth extracted etc.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Patrick Gale - Just finished reading

The Cat Sanctuary by Patrick Gale


A dear friend is a fan of Patrick Gale and gave me this one to read.

It is about Judith and Joanna, a couple who live in a remote house in Cornwall, and whose lives are disrupted by the arrival of Judith's sister. Deborah's husband has just been blown up by a bomb. Old family history is revisited. Relationships form and storm.  It is a strong story that makes you turn the pages. But, oh, I wish the people had been nicer people. And the cats .......... oh.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

My secret teenage diary 1974 January (i) being ill and bored, and some industrial relations.

January 1st (Tues)
Had a nice night with Geoff and his family last night (Some Russian writing here...). Today I've got a cold. More like pneumonia and I'm treating it with a little whiskey which is why my writing is wobbly.

Jan 2
Ok, usual day, feel really grotty. I've got a bad cold in the head. Ju came for dinner, then we visited Brin. Ju went to Olly's party, I think I've said. Dave had fight with Rob*. Rob asked if I was still going with my 'welder' - scornfully, I should imagine. I love Geoff. Went to see Jesus Christ Superstar at the pictures with Julie. It was very good. Brilliant.

Jan 3
Didn't do  much today. Not much exciting. Been making a brown skirt and a pink blouse. Geoff phoned about going out but I'm not doing 'cos I'm ill. Ju said she's phone, but didn't.

Jan 4 (Fri)
Not done a lot, just a bit more sewing and lazing around. Auntie May came. Norma goes home tomorrow. Ju phoned to ask about the disco tonight. I said I'm not going. I don't feel well.

Jan 5
Worked at Hardcastle's. Got rotten cough and cold. Felt awful because Mr Ashton gave C and S the sack more or less. S was crying (her mum and dad have split up), so I went to see Mr Ashton about me stopping instead of her. He didn't say much. I've got an itchy rash on head and neck. Went out with Geoff.

Jan 6 (Sun)
Very boring day. Tidied bedroom, scratched spots. Read Monty Python book. That's all. Good night. I think I'm in love.

Jan 7
Nothing much. Pretty normal boring day.

Jan 8
Went to doctor's about itchy neck. She said it is an allergy, gave me tablets and ointment and told me to use a baby shampoo. Did a little bit of work for school (not much). Been lazy. Geoff phoning on Thursday. Good night.

Jan 2 - my ex.