Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

My secret teenage diary 1974 September (ii) in which I am very miserable, I help organise a dance and I buy an LP in anticipation of a record player.

Sept 16th (Mon)
ok day. V tired, V in love. Got a  letter from head boy of Kaskenmoor asking us to attend a meeting of 6th formers there in Sept. Crabtree had 'accidentally' opened it. Norma's first teaching day. OK. Prefects tomorrow.

depressed. e learned about reproduction in biology. Ha.

18th (Wed)
Another nothing day, but not wasted, I've learned a lot at school (I think). Went to see Uncle Joe in hospital. I felt uncomfy really. He's not very good, paralysed down left side.. I'm still searching for a record player.

okay at school. Life is v v full and I spend all my time chasing round after people at school.

Went out with G but in a rotten mood. I sometimes hate him. But then I love him again.

22nd (Sun)
nothing day. messed about all day.

23rd (Mon)
Rushing around at school, chasing people. Prefect meeting. Fed up.

Ok day. everything went ok. General bustle and v busy, but not too bad. I'm going to have to gather enough will-power to make myself work hard though. Saw 'Women in Love' at film theatre. It was silly.

After school went to a 6th form meeting. 5 schools represented. Nice lad chaired the meeting. We decided to have a joint dance for Halloween at Town Hall.

At school went to a discussion about the film (Women n Love). It didn't make things a lot clearer. S put a wet blanket on the dance idea. After school RB from Kaskenmoor phoned and said that Chadderton Town Hall was available for our dance. We dissected a rat in biology. Whippee.

Went to see Crabtree about the dance and she basically 'approves'. It wasn't okay at school today. I actually lost my temper - told 2 girls off and I stormed out on S. All settled afterwards.

28th (Sat)
Worked at Hardcastles. Got stuck working in the basement at least half of today. It was ok but I thought i was being used as a general dogsbody. Not just at the shop. By everyone - mum and dad looking at post office book, buying me a new bedspread, not asking my opinion. To top it all I was half and hour late for G and he was annoyed. It wasn't my fault.

Another bloody wasted day. Got up at 12 and did nothing until 6, then I felt so fed up and lonely and as though I'm being used all the time. I want so desperately to be independent and capable of fending for myself. I wish I could help Ju.

30th (Mon)
Okay day. Bought LP  Bridge over Troubled Water for my new record player which I hope will materialise on Wednesday. Went to see Crabtree about university. Went to bed really late.

Monday, 15 September 2014

My secret teenage diary 1974 September (i) in which I begin with teenage nihilism and progress to the age of Aquarius .....

1st (Sun)
Today didn't exist. It was wasted again. Norma went away, I sewed, erm, watched TV. Argued with mum and upset her. I'm not proud of it, just sick and tired of living at home.

A nothing day. Went into Ashton with mum to see if we could get a cheap record player (my latest ambition). Didn't - we got a new tea service. I dyed my white skirt. It's blue now, with a white stripe. How fascinating.

3rd (Tues)
Nowt in morning then went to Manchester in afternoon to see Mr Aron* - he discharged me - triffic - like being let out of prison.

Went into school with Wendy to see if Miss Turner needed any help. Had coffee in the staff room - nice. Everyone was nice. They've had new fire doors put in.

School started today. All little new girls. Oh god! I read in assembly tomorrow!! OK at school otherwise. No lessons today, just mucking abut. I was impressed with a TV series called 'Shoulder to Shoulder' about women's suffrage. Fight for the vote.

School's really started. I felt full of the joys of spring this morning but a day at school soon put the damper on me. Ah well. Nothing like a night out with Geoff to cheer me up. He says he's ging to work in Germany after Christmas. He says he doesn't know what he'll do without me.

7th (Sat)
worked today. Bored. Got a rise of 70p. Out with G but had to wait for loads of buses. All late.

Wasted day again. Bit of work but mostly mucked about. Norma and Phil came home from holiday. She brought me a piggy bank. Lovely.

9th (Mon)
Getting dug in as head girl. Not too bad.

A right day today! I dropped all the form monitress badges, walked into the wrong form room, and nearly pulled the door handle off a door. Apart from that an okay day. Discussed pill at school.

A nice day, don't know why - 'cos nowt unpleasant happened. Sometimes I'm glad I'm head girl. We put posters up at school. Will have to fill in UCCA forms soon.

12th (Thur)
I always forget to write diary on Thurs because there's a great series on TV late - Shoulder to Shoulder.

Went to see the musical 'Hair'* with G. He wasn't overkeen on it, but I was impressed. Got its point over. Music good. One nude bit - but only 2 mins. Beautiful - so lovely and full of peace. and he died in the end (Claude) I cried. Nearly had to walk home 'cos nearly missed bus.

14th (Sat)
Got new school blouse and new leather handbag. Went G's, went to party and had too much to drink (real cider). Stayed up talking to G until 4.30am! Talked about so many things.

Came home from G's - groty at home, hangover, tired and grumpy and in love.

3rd - the orthodontist who had been doing a valiant job of getting my teeth to fit into my mouth for years.
13th - the newspaper clipping (advertisement) is in my diary. 'Hair' was on at the Palace Theatre, ticket prices £1.50; £1.20; 95p; 55p; 45p. 'The tribal love-rock musical' by the Dance Theatre of Harlem. I still have the LP "Hair". 'This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius'..........