Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Niall Williams - just finished reading

Four Letters of Love by Niall Williams


I nearly gave up with this - so slow moving and requiring me to work to engage with the language - but, Jackie! What did you expect? I had read another book by this author - 'As it is in heaven' and it was similar in that a beautiful use of language crafts a slow story which has depth and an intricacy of emotions.

The title provides a red herring. I thought I should count the letters of love, but then comes the ending - and it is all revealed. Sorry - this isn't a book review, it is a meandering.

Nicolas and Isabel have their stories told in parallel. Their stories are very Irish, and we are steeped in the culture and the scenery. And then they meet ....

Niall Williams is a skilful writer, and writes beautiful books, but leaves me wanting to read something easier next time.

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