Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

My secret teenage diary 1974 February (ii) in which I was a personnel manager with no job to do

Feb 10th (Sun)
Got up late but helped dad to lay carpet. Moved sideboard out of living room and bureau in. It's nicer now. Did I say that a general election has been announced? We're all being brainwashed by politicians now.

Feb 11th 
Normal day. Been pouring down and we've got a leak in the chemistry lab roof. Miss Rogerson said that x is feeling a lot better now. Going for little walks down the corridor. Went into town. Got a Valentine for Geoff, birthday card for S and flowers for mum.

Feb 12th
Behind with diary. Normal day. Seem to be always very depressed.

Feb 13th
Been given jobs to do on Friday (entrance exam). Been highly honoured - I'm 'personnel manager' - go round checking people. Also had guitar recital. Why?

Feb 14th (Thurs)
Up dead late last night doing chem hmwk. Found out this morning that I did the wrong lot. Got a Valentine from Rob.* None from Geoff - a bit upset. He phoned - thanked me for mine. Went to visit X in hospital. She's very thin, but a little cheerful.

Feb 15th
Went to school at 8am. Helped to organise the entrance exam. Poor little kids. Ju's sister was crying before the exam. I was playing 'personnel manager' but no-one needed managing so that was okay. Went out with Geoff. Had nearest thing yet to a row. He didn't order taxi till 1.45. I was annoyed and upset.

Feb 16th (Sat)
Working and wondering what to do about Geoff (you can guess my conclusion, I'm stupid). At dinnertime me, Ju and K took S out for a drink of coffee. Gave her writing paper pressy. Went out with G at night. He got me home for 1am.

Feb 14 - Rob was my ex-boyfriend

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