Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

My secret teenage diary 1974 October (ii) - in which I was very miserable, developed a new love interest and had a nice birthday.

16th (Wed)
Better at school - sorted out panto a bit - doing Peter Pan. I'm in an awful mood still - I'm bogged down with work and I'm lazy and I've got a constant headache. You see I've got  no will power to make me work. Went to dentist. He's new and very nice.

Had chem test - not too bad - really!! Better mood but life is still getting me down. Went to a meeting of 6th form committee. Got tickets for dance. You know something? I fancy SG a bit. In fact, quite a lot. He wears a black mac and blushes a lot. Dry sense of humour.

18th (Fri)
not too bad really today. Went to see Crabtree - we can sell tickets for the dance. Went out with G. Feel as if I am just drifting along and my life is being moulded by bossy people. I'm being carried along and I'm lonely.

19th (Sat)
I worked. How can anyone be so fickle and 2-faced as me? Not sure about G. We went out and I got home really late. Mum was mad with me. She's always moaning. I'm always weepy.

Don't know how to ask dad again about Speech day*. I feel very nervous - I'm scared and I'm sick of everything We bathed Lady and I ended up shouting at everyone. Oh Diary, you've got a lot of my tears on you. Maybe next week will be better.

21st (Mon)
No tears tonight. I haven't got any left. Dad says he won't do a speech on Speech Day. HELL. Am I being selfish expecting him to? We're all going to Baileys on Thursday. Why would anything go right?

Oh what-ho, jolly good ol' chum! Just been to the Boy's Speech day. Nerve-wracking but nice. At the reception afterwards I was introduced to millions of people. Posh. I sidled away to Deputy Head Boy and co and nattered to them. Don't know what Crabtree thought.

Feeling happier. Building up for my birthday. Feeling very very guilty because I fancy SG like mad. He phoned me and talked for ages, but he seems shy in meetings.

24th - My birthday!
Triffic day. Got loads of birthday cards and some pressies at school. Ju got me a fluffy elephant called Humphrey and a lovely book called 'you're my kind of friend'. I was upset because we seemed to have drifted apart. S & C got me a purse and P got me  Snoopy letter paper. W got me some smellies. Had test in Biol. OK. Went to Baileys with Ju and S, P and H and C. We had a great time dancing. I had too much to drink. S stayed over at ours. Very tired, but happy.

25th (Fri)
Broke up at dinner time for half term. In evening went for meal with G. He got me a lovely silver pendant. Happy. We went to Royal Toby in Middleton and I had a massive steak that I couldn't eat.

26 (Sat)
At Hardcastle's. Miss Hoodless away with laryngitis - lying in too much damp grass on holiday with Harry, Mr ashton said!! - Cheek!! G's mum and dad bought me a Mamas and Papas LP. Happy and content.

27th (Sun)
Wasted day, did nowt.

Went to town, got some material to start a dress. Signed a petition about the market hall - made me feel good and adult. Norma got me a weekend case, a record case and a Beatles LP for birthday. Nice!

Did some hmwrk, then some sewing, and then went to Spastics evening at Heathbank with W. At 10.30, Ju phoned - yeah! She's coming round tomorrow.

Nice day - didn't do much.

Few of us from committee went out for a drink - had great time. G not happy - he wants me on a leash.

20th - Because I was Head Girl, dad had to give a speech at Speech day. He didn't want to. He was very shy and had never done any public speaking. We were out of our depth. I was mortified by the idea that he might refuse to do it. Lady was our dog.

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