Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

My diary 1970 February (ii)

Feb 13 Fri
Got up dead late. Had full up day. Went up town. Bought cushions, bra, presents for S and KJ. Dad bought electric blanket. Bit of anger from me.
Feb 14 Sat
Valentine's Day! Norma's David came round. I went to K's party. Quite good. Missed J and S. Heard gorgeous record called 'I was born under a wandrin' star' by Lee Marvin.
Feb 15 Sun
Went to S's party. Quite good. Some great records. Did my Russian Spy act.
Feb 16 Mon
Shirley came. Went to visit our old School, Richmond Street. Only Mr Bradley, Mr and Mrs Harrison and Mrs Tuft left. I like Mr Bradley best. He helps you to talk to him.
Feb 19 Thur
Miss Hatch made lower four E's dreary play a bit more lively. Spent dinner alone.
Feb 20 Fri
Someone spreading rumours about nurse coming for TB jabs. UGH. Terrified.
Feb 21 Sat
Great day. Had bath. Felt in making mood. Made some dye, painted a litter bin for me, made shortbread. Cathy came. Watched 'Wicked Women'
Feb 22 Sun
Becky came visiting. Kept being cruel to Lady. On purpose. Sitting on her. Pulling her. UGH.
Feb 26 Thur
An awful day. J went off with S all day. I was jealous. Still haven't got mum's present.
Feb 27 Fri
Felt guilty 'cos everyone got mum a present 'cept me. Went after school though and got her a pair of slippers. 9sh 11d. Made up with S thank goodness.
Feb 28 Sat
Went with mum and dad and Auntie May to pub called Black Lad for tea. Fantastic. All 'Olde Worlde'. Toby jugs, swords, horse-brasses etc. Met Norma's Indian friend Canchan. Quite nice. Shy


  1. Hi Jackie am enjoying your blog. I was wondering if you
    can remember all the experinces you write about?
    Are they still clear in your mind or are you
    reliving them as you write? I find there are
    so many things that I had completely forgotten
    and yet the feelings etc can be returned in an instant. Yet
    other diary entries I cannot bring to mind at all?

  2. I have a dreadful memory. My pal Carol can remember things that I can't. I retain general impressions in my mind. Reading my diary I am reminded that, yes, I did used to go 'up town' a lot, but I can't recall specific occasions. The things I remember spontaneously tend to have emotional overlay, or very vivid visual content (I remember getting a Tressy doll one Christmas, and she had long black 'kinky boots' and it snowed, so I took her into the backyard to walk in the snow). I remember the day Lady the dog died very clearly.
