Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

My secret diary 1973 April - VAT, revision and beauty treatment

April 1 (Sun)
April Fool's Day (no jokes), Mothers Day (got mum some flowers. Proper pressy later). V.A.T. Day - new tax. I feel really tired all of a sudden. Done hardly any revision. Been doing homework and reading and sulking all day. Might cost £60 to go on holiday. Dad didn't seem too worried!!

April 2
You see nobody listens to what I have to say and then when they do listen I make a mess of it. It makes me feel insignificant. Maybe because I'm just another 'Unknown Citizen'. I'm so sad. Dad's been working solidly the last few days on VAT and he's ill with his ulcer. And he lost his temper with mum, and mum and Norma argued, and I shorted one of the main fuses and now the lights aren't working in the living room and I hate this house and I just feel like crying.

April 3
They're still not listening to me. Sometimes I say something and they just start talking about something else. They don't mean to, but one day I'm going to get so annoyed. Norma's given me a skirt (long black silky maxi with little white dots) - lovely. Music competition* at school - boring as usual. Started a wee bit of revision. I'm fed up. Keep getting a pain in my head.

April 4
Break up tomorrow for Easter hols - 'O' levels soon afterwards. Oh what's the matter with me? I feel like crying again. Dad's in a bad mood 'cos he's been working late - he takes it out on mum. TVs all wrong again.

April 5
Behind with diary. I've slept out at Ju's for 3 nights, or Ju's slept here. We went to Royton catholic Club Folk night - great, fell in love with a fella who looks like a french onion seller! He's only little like me - a singer. Dead good night - S.O came - we slept at Ju's.

April 6
Went home for dinner time, after going to dentist with Ju. Finished the beautiful black silky skirt with white spots that N gave me and we (me, J, S.O, C and a girl called Claire) went to the Whiskers and had a really great freak out. Dave's sister was there so were some of the girls from the shop.

April 7
Slept at Ju's last night and had a lovely lazy morning just dancing and being happy. After dinner went to Asda, where Ju's got a job (Sats). Went to see mum and dad who were looking at washers. In doing a good deed (carrying mum's shopping out), a horrid old man nearly arrested us for pilfering! He made me and Ju look stupid in front of the whole store but when mum came up with receipt he was ever so nice. Typical!

April 8 (Sun)
Ju slept last night. I feel like crying. Don't know why, it's silly really. You see we did some revision then we went to see the Oldham Tinkers at the Oldham Hotel* with Norma and K, but me and Ju left early, Ju to catch last bus and me 'cos I was tired and also wanted to catch last bus and not have to depend on N and K to pay a taxi for me. N and K fussed about it and didn't want me to go. It's made me feel uncomfy now. I'm tired.

April 9
Quite pleased with myself. Although I got up late I've done quite a bit of revision (physics, all electromag and a bit of magnetism). Not much else to say. Oh that goregeous Graham who worked at the Spar has gone and joined the army today (sob). Forgot to phone Ju.

April 10
Oh yawn, yawn, groan, groan. I'm really, really tired. Got up late this morning, started chemistry revision. After dinner went to visit SG but she was at school so came home and revised some more. Done quite a bit (1 1/2 books out of 6 1/2) Ju phoned and we made arrangements about Thursday. C isn;t coming. Goodnight.

April 11
Hardly anything to write. A lazy day really. Done some Russ vocab but that's all. Done a beauty treatment tonight. Washed hair (used vinegar, oil and perfume), steamed and cleansed face and done eyebrows (drastically). Going to folk club tomorrow night. I love everyone!

April 3 - my school had an annual music competition. I think that people could win points towards the inter-house competition, as well as prestige. I ddin't have a musical bone in my body, so never entered. I seem to recall that we had to sit on the floor in the main hall listening to endless renditions of 'The Ash Grove', 'Claire de Lune' and 'Greensleeves' on the piano or the recorder.
April 8 - this is (was?) a pub in Oldham. Did I tell you that my mum and dad first met there? It would have been shortly after the war and mum was attracted to dad partly because he had a watch and an overcoat, so she thought he must be well off.

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