Hello, welcome to my blog

Mostly you will find, here, transcribed entries from the secret diary that I used to keep as a teenager between 1970 and 1975. I try to be honest with my transcriptions, but, just occasionally I do edit, to protect myself or others from embarrassment or some other emotion.
Also, though, I like to do a brief review of the books I have been reading, so these are interspersed throughout. I reserve the right to write blog entries, also, about other random things.
Why do I keep this blog? I don't know. I am an academic and one of my research interests is around how people construct their own identities. The diary transcriptions, and what I write about my books, are very much about revealing something of my identity.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

My secret teenage diary 1973 December (ii) - getting Christmassy and a customer relations issue at work.

11th December (Tues)
What shall I get everyone for Xmas? I've got to get Geoff one too. Did I tell you that dad gave me £20 to buy clothes with?! Well he did. It shocked me too. He brought home 2 selection boxes, too. Ju phoned - disco's off tomorrow - angry.

12th December 
Okay day. Nice morning - took Christmas post round*. In affy helped with junior party - very tiring. Got big chemistry test tomorrow. Don't know anything. Miss Rogerson in General lesson brought Oldham Tinkers records, biccys etc, coffee - great.

13th Dec
Had a rotten chem test in morning. In afternoon helped to organise the Estcourt Christmas party games and watched UIV's panto (...illegible..) It's good. I still haven't told (asked) dad about staying at Geoff's on Christmas night. Was supposed to go out with Geoff but it was too windy and rainy (he phoned).

14th December (Fri)
A lazy day. Saw panto - again. It really is good. Also been trying to see Miss Crabtree about raffling box of chocs that dad brought home. Went to Tiffany's with Geoff. Went for short walk afterwards.  Didn't X me goodnight. Worried.

15th December
Working at Hardcastles again. Silly old cow of a woman was rotten and nearly made me cry. She said she'd come back during the week when there was an older person on.* Geoff phoned just like  he said he would. I thought he might not. Went to a pub in Heywood and then back to his house. Nice mmmmm

16th December (Sun)
Didn't get up till 12.00! Norma's home. Did I tell you about her leg? Doctor said she's got arthritis in her hip joint and she may have to have a massive operation one day. Poor ol' Norma. Went to club in evening.

17th December
Normal day at school. Nothing spectacular. Delivered Christmas post and Miss Rogerson gave us a card and a poem. She's lovely. We had a big feast at dinner time - everyone brought different things. We're going down Manchester shopping tomorrow and I'm reading in Assembly tomorrow.

18th December (Tues)
I read in morning in assembly. It wasn't too bad. After it was Carol Service and then we got the afternoon off. We went to Manchester, first just Ju and me and then we met E and S. I got a new pair of shoes £6 from Ravel. Hope they're ok - v. high* Phoned Geoff up, asked about disco, he said no, he is saving his £s.

19th December
Had last day at school. Ok. Not very (...??) I'm very glad I go to Hulme though. Yes I am. In afternoon went into Oldham shopping for Xmas. Nowt spectacular. Then disco at Royton club. Organised by us. Wasn't a failure. Nor a success.

20th December (Thur)
In morning got up late. In afternoon went round Makro with Ju and her mum. Bought Geoffrey a lighter £2.15. Would have been £2.95 in a shop. Pretty  good. It's a very cheap place. Been making lots of arrangements about party tomorrow  night.

21st December
Did nothing in morning. Oh yes I did. Went into town by myself then with Norma to get mum's present, then with Ju to get other things. Got mum a jumper between us. Got Norma a bra, pendant and book (Spike milligan). Went to party at S's. Not v good really.

Dec 12 - I think this refers to an internal mail system we had at school.
Dec 15 - I still remember this incident very clearly. I can remember what she was like, and how imperious and impatient she was. She wanted to be treated like royalty. It was only my second week, and I couldn't find the stockings that she wanted amongst the massive stock in all the boxes and shelves and drawers. I vowed that I would never treat a shop assistant like she treated me - and I know I never have done.
Dec 18th - I remember these shoes - they were gorgeous! Black, chunky high heel and a bar across.

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